Editor’s note: Welcome to another look inside The Daily Signal’s mailbag, which reveals concern about the radical left’s advances in America. Send those emails to letters@dailysignal.com.—Ken McIntyre
Dear Daily Signal: Fred Lucas reports that Leonard Leo decided to step away from daily leadership at the Federalist Society to lead a new group (“Trump Judicial Adviser Teams Up With Conservative PR Executive in New Initiative”). That new outfit, CRC Advisors, is intended to directly counter Arabella Advisors, a behemoth of left-wing activism.
Leo is certainly aiming high, because the four in-house nonprofits run by Arabella took in combined revenues of $635 million in 2018. They operated hundreds of pop-up activist groups, including Demand Justice, the top foe of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees.
It will take a lot of conservative support for Leo’s David to match that Goliath.—Scott Walter, President, Capital Research Center, Washington, D.C.
Dear Daily Signal: Sanctuary policies for illegal immigrants such as those being considered in Massachusetts threaten public safety. Illegal aliens are up to five and a half times more likely to be incarcerated in state prisons and county jails than are U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.
sanctuary policies are unfair to legal immigrants who did things right and
followed the law to come to America properly.
police don’t need sanctuary policies to make immigrants feel comfortable
reporting crimes. There is no empirical evidence of a “chilling effect” because
of local law enforcement cooperation with federal authorities.
federal law forbids state and local governments from restricting the sharing of
information about illegal aliens with the federal government. Federal law also encourages
states to cooperate with immigration authorities as much as possible.
Massachusetts state legislators held a hearing Jan. 24 before the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security on legislation (HB 2573 and SB 1401) to establish Massachusetts as a sanctuary state for illegal aliens. The public should express itself on this dangerous legislation.—Ronald Beaty, Barnstable County Commissioner, Barnstable, Mass.

Dear Daily Signal: Responding to Rep. Andy Barr’s article, “Why We Must Defeat Socialism,” it is possible to correct the flawed teachings and lies over the past 50 years by the liberals.
After thinking about this very issue for several days, I wrote and sent a draft blueprint on how to defeat socialism to President Trump.
Let’s quit
sitting on our complacent butts and do something. If liberal TV stations refuse
to run truth-based ads, then let’s release them as videos through YouTube to be
shared by citizens. Let’s flood the internet with truth-based educational
videos and reeducate our citizens.
Once more Americans understand what socialism’s great lie is actually about, the fraud perpetrated over the past 50 years can end at the ballot box.—Ron Dale, Boise, Idaho

Celebrating Our Constitution, Teaching Civics
Dear Daily Signal: I am a proud daily reader of The Daily Signal. For the past three years, I have been sharing my grassroots idea to restore our republic and founding documents through what I call “Hang It, Celebrate It, and Teach It”—education to defend our liberty.
If the Civics Act (S 313) is passed by Congress and sent to the desk of President Trump to sign into law, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos can implement civics education in grades K-12 and the teaching of the Golden Rule, respect, and social media responsibility.
Will you join me in the fight to restore our republic? Please share my grassroots idea with other freedom-loving Americans and members of The Heritage Foundation.
Let freedom ring. We must fight for free markets and capitalism every minute of every day, or socialism wins.—Bill King, Pittsburgh
Climate, Defense, and Security
Dear Daily Signal: “As greenhouse gases increase, sea levels are rising, average global temperatures are increasing, and severe weather patterns are accelerating. These changes, coupled with other global dynamics, … will devastate homes, land and infrastructure.”
Is this statement from a) the Sierra Club, b) the Democratic Party platform, or c) recently uncovered documents confirming a Chinese plot to harm U.S. manufacturing?
The answer actually is d) none of the above.
The statement is from the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review Report from the Defense Department, which has expressed concern about climate change since the George W. Bush administration. Dozens of Pentagon documents on this issue can be accessed at the Washington-based Center for Climate & Security.
In his recent speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, President Donald Trump denounced climate activists as being “the perennial prophets of doom.”
What I don’t understand is how the Defense Department can state clearly that climate change is a national security threat, yet Trump, who usually is so supportive of our military, can continue to dismiss it.—Terry Hansen, Hales Corners, Wis.
This and That
Dear Daily Signal: Democrats, especially Rep. Adam Schiff of California, are at it again in their three-year orchestrated campaign to overthrow this president. They have gone to the weeds to dig up Lev Parnas to vilify the president (“4 Things to Know About Lev Parnas, the Left’s New Hero“).
In November, Rush Limbaugh prophesied Parnas’s arrival on the impeachment stage. As predicted, here’s Lev.
How convenient that he showed up on leftist media outlets MSNBC and CNN in time to attack the president with unfounded claims, accusations, and allegations of wrongdoing just days before the beginning of the Senate trial.—Earl Beal, Terre Haute, Ind.
Could you
send someone to film hospitals in Canada or other countries to inform people
about socialized medicine?
Could you also report on how liberals move into conservative states and make them liberal states (as happened with Colorado and Virginia), and strategies to prevent this from happening?—Lorenzo Cardinali
It deeply saddens and disturbs me that some who despise President Trump seem to be convinced that Christians who support Trump are hypocrites and morally deficient.
that Trump supports rises to the level of evil that some of his political
opponents support. And it is never intrinsically evil to vote for anybody, but
I think it is clear that one must not vote for those who support graver
intrinsic evils.
vote for such ones, to mitigate lesser intrinsic evils, is just unreasonable.
It is like throwing a flotation device with a huge millstone attached to a
drowning man.
At the very least, no one should despise, or denigrate, those who are acting, in good faith, according to God’s moral law. They are just following the God-given principle of choosing the lesser of evils, and the much greater evil is clearly evident.—Kent Veazey, Lake Charles, La.
The post We Hear You: Taking on the Left, Even in Blue States appeared first on The Daily Signal.
via The Daily Signal
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