The House Democrats are at it again: They want another investigation of the Trump administration, and this time they hope to bring down the nation’s brilliant and stalwart attorney general, William Barr.
By doing so, they seek to weaken their ultimate target: President Donald Trump.
Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff of California and Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler of New York are obsessed with destroying the reputation of the president and anyone who does not support their twisted leftist agenda.
Now, they have their sights on Barr.
These Democrats are calling for a Justice Department investigation into Barr in relation to the April 3 firing of Michael Atkinson, the inspector general of the intelligence community.
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Atkinson gave legitimacy to a whistleblower complaint regarding Trump’s July 25, 2019, phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which eventually led to the president’s impeachment.
When Trump dismissed Atkinson, he sent a letter to Congress stating he had lost confidence in the intelligence community IG.
The president said at an April 4 news conference that Atkinson “did a terrible job — absolutely terrible.”
“He took a whistleblower report, which turned out to be a fake report — it was fake,” Trump said. “It was totally wrong. … He took a fake report and he brought it to Congress, with an emergency.”
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The administration’s Office of Legal Counsel issued a Sept. 3 memorandum opinion detailing Atkinson’s misconduct.
The Democrats, however, contend that Barr was dishonest in his April 9 comments to Fox News’ Laura Ingraham about Atkinson, when the attorney general unequivocally supported Trump’s decision to fire him.
“From the vantage point of the Department of Justice, [Atkinson] had interpreted his statute, which is a fairly narrow statute, that gave him jurisdiction over wrongdoing by intelligence people and tried to turn it into a commission to explore anything in the government and immediately reported to Congress without letting the executive branch look at it and determine whether there was any problem,” Barr told Ingraham.
In a letter Monday to Jeffrey Ragsdale, acting director of the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility, and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, Nadler and Schiff called for a review of Barr’s comments.
Nadler Schiff Letter by The Western Journal on Scribd
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They claimed the attorney general “blatantly mischaracterized Mr. Atkinson’s conduct and DOJ’s own actions relating to the complaint filed last summer by an Intelligence Community whistleblower and misrepresented DOJ’s legal opinion concerning the whistleblower complaint.”
The Democrats also said Barr tried to block the whistleblower complaint from reaching Congress.
But isn’t all of this already old news? Barr certainly has the right to give his opinion of such matters to journalists who ask him questions. Moreover, the whistleblower complaint was eventually revealed and Democrats got their vaunted prize: impeachment.
Do we really need to dive deep into the weeds of this case again? Does this serve the public interest now, especially during this era of national emergency and economic turbulence?
Despite the fact that Democrats succeeded in impeaching the president on partisan and flimsy grounds, they are still trying to find another way to bludgeon his administration. They want investigations, more investigations and then investigations into the investigations.
We have endured nearly four years of an endless, unproductive sea of investigations.
They pursued the Russia collusion conspiracy for years, then the Ukrainian abuse of power theory, and now they want to take down the attorney general.
Simultaneously, Democrats want to review how Trump has handled the coronavirus crisis.
Of course they do. That is easier than trying to pass constructive legislation that benefits the American people.
Democrats repeatedly descend into a feverish, mad quest to destroy a duly elected president and his appointees. Despite all their investigations, almost four years later, Trump is still standing.
Yet the ultimate verdict of history will be that these ceaseless inquiries have done nothing to improve the daily lives of American citizens.
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via The Western Journal
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