Leftists Silent After Seeing What Trump Did for Justice Ginsburg Following Surgery

It’s a poorly kept secret that President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg are not very big fans of each other.

In virtually every respect, Trump and Ginsburg are polar opposites. Ideologically, politically and temperamentally, the two could not be more different.

But even given all of that, both are still humans.

Regardless of how you feel about either, wishing bodily harm or ill will toward them is appalling. Sadly, that has become common in 2018 as decorum has been thrown out the window.

But unlike leftists who have no problem wishing for Trump to die a slow and excruciating death while simultaneously accusing him of inciting violence, the president has been able to rise above such venomous rhetoric.

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Not that you’d ever hear the liberal media give him that kind of credit.

Case in point: Ginsburg this week underwent surgery to remove a pair of growths from her left lung.

It’s every leftists’ worst nightmare, as Ginsburg’s death or retirement for health reasons would allow Trump to fill a third Supreme Court vacancy.

The president could’ve easily trolled leftists after the news about Ginsburg’s surgery broke, considering the contentious nature of the relationship Trump has with Ginsburg and her most ardent supporters.

But Trump took the high road — and the media largely remained silent about it.

“Wishing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg a full and speedy recovery!” Trump tweeted Saturday. It was a classy gesture given their past history, but as mentioned above, politics and ideologies aside, human beings are still human beings.

But notice the distinct lack of coverage about Trump showing compassion and decorum? Could it be because it doesn’t fit the leftist narrative that Trump is an uncouth monster?

CNN spent far more time claiming Trump has “learned nothing from the midterms” and  reporting on his supposedly volatile relationship with his new acting attorney general. Nary a word about the president showing compassion to a political foe.

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MSNBC wanted to make sure you know that this is the third time the government has shut down under Trump, but didn’t care if you know that he did something humane.

This may not be the “fake news” that Trump is always railing about, but it is certainly slanted and biased coverage of the president. Even when he does something good, Trump simply can’t win with these guys.

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via Conservative Tribune

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