2020: The Left Goes to War

A victory by Donald Trump next November will result in widespread rioting, property damage, people injured, and many communities irreparably damaged.  Some innocent people may even lose their lives.

Most of us have heard the investment disclaimer, “Past performance is no guarantee of future results.”  It’s true; just because an investor has made oodles of money in the past, doesn’t mean he will make oodles in the future.

Yet, investment ain’t politics and politics ain’t pattycake. 

Since its birth in the anti-globalist riots in Seattle two decades ago, the Antifa movement has been violent.  Trump’s reelection will surely mean not only more of the same but, with Antifa’s exponential growth under the tutelage of the Democrat/media complex, much more. 

The left has demonstrated time and again that they believe there is too much at stake to accept the limitations of our Constitution.  They feel exactly the same about elections; if the three-plus years of national tantrum since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 has shown America anything, it is that.

Antifa is the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party.  Both fancy themselves as speaking truth to power, on the side of all that is right and just in the world.  This is not a supposition, it is a tenet.  Confident in righteousness justifies all manner of depravity.

That has included assaulting to the point of brain damage a diminutive, gay, Asian journalist (so much for respecting the “other”), intimidating an old lady using a walker as she tried to cross the street (so much for standing up for the weak), and burning MAGA hats while attacking people trying to leave a Trump rally in Minneapolis. 

Notice there were no Antifa at Trump’s Texas rally.  I wonder why?  I’m joking, I know why.  It’s because Antifa is comprised of cowardly children playing dress-up and preying on the weak.  For those with sociopathic tendencies, it’s fun to punch people who won’t punch, back but unlike Minneapolis, Ilhan Omar’s stronghold, Texas would have slaughtered them.  But if Twitter is any guide, even if only anecdotally, it’s not only Texans who are willing to fight back.

❈𝕯𝖊𝖊𝕯𝖊𝖊✾ @La_Bella81

We can live with Leninist Democrats also #AntifaDomesticTerrorists
Fear is One thing I suggest That You Conquer it. It’s Just #Antifa Not ISIS Or We All Suffer The Consequences Ask What You Can Do For Your Country as We All Must. Don’t Be Hard on Our Police as it’s Politicos


5:59 PM – Oct 17, 2019

Just as it’s said that generals always fight the last war, Antifa believes they own the streets.  Sympathetic anti-democratic mayors in places like Seattle and Minneapolis have always given them free rein.

The pushback will come as a total surprise.  Watch the video. Many Antifa didn’t even put up their hands before getting knocked out.  It’s as if it never occurred to any of them that some people might punch back instead of taking their beatings like good little deplorables.

Antifa’s belligerence is happening during good times with the economy humming and with them having full control of the press and social media.  They are going to absolutely freak out at the prospect of four more years of a president they’ve been assured for four years wouldn’t even finish his first term.

Of course, the Democrats and the media will do all they can to foment riot — beginning the morning after the election.  Expect talking heads and politicos to flood the airwaves 24/7 with a message to the world that refusing to seat Trump for a second term is not only bravery in motion, but democracy in action because it’s the “Will of the People.”

They are delusional now — after losing they will be even more so. 

The past is prologue; they clearly believe that screaming loud enough and stamping their feet hard enough will give them the power to negate the election.  They also believe they will accomplish this without any opposition.  When it doesn’t happen as they envision, they will quickly transition from beating the weak to spilling blood.

People will notice, and as they start to see others fighting back, many are going to come out to meet them, normal people who disagree with the left’s vision of America and are willing to do battle for the nation they love.

The left is itching for a fight and the country is at a moment in time when regular people, citizens who go to work, pay mortgages, and raise kids, will decide it is long past time to give it to them.

Many will believe it is better to fight than accept the left’s control over every aspect of their lives.  Most Americans understand that should they allow the left to force the yoke upon them, civil war will be inevitable when they decide to throw off the yoke.

A victory by Donald Trump next November will result in widespread rioting, property damage, people injured, and many communities irreparably damaged.  Some innocent people may even lose their lives.

Most of us have heard the investment disclaimer, “Past performance is no guarantee of future results.”  It’s true; just because an investor has made oodles of money in the past, doesn’t mean he will make oodles in the future.

Yet, investment ain’t politics and politics ain’t pattycake. 

Since its birth in the anti-globalist riots in Seattle two decades ago, the Antifa movement has been violent.  Trump’s reelection will surely mean not only more of the same but, with Antifa’s exponential growth under the tutelage of the Democrat/media complex, much more. 

The left has demonstrated time and again that they believe there is too much at stake to accept the limitations of our Constitution.  They feel exactly the same about elections; if the three-plus years of national tantrum since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 has shown America anything, it is that.

Antifa is the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party.  Both fancy themselves as speaking truth to power, on the side of all that is right and just in the world.  This is not a supposition, it is a tenet.  Confident in righteousness justifies all manner of depravity.

That has included assaulting to the point of brain damage a diminutive, gay, Asian journalist (so much for respecting the “other”), intimidating an old lady using a walker as she tried to cross the street (so much for standing up for the weak), and burning MAGA hats while attacking people trying to leave a Trump rally in Minneapolis. 

Notice there were no Antifa at Trump’s Texas rally.  I wonder why?  I’m joking, I know why.  It’s because Antifa is comprised of cowardly children playing dress-up and preying on the weak.  For those with sociopathic tendencies, it’s fun to punch people who won’t punch, back but unlike Minneapolis, Ilhan Omar’s stronghold, Texas would have slaughtered them.  But if Twitter is any guide, even if only anecdotally, it’s not only Texans who are willing to fight back.

❈𝕯𝖊𝖊𝕯𝖊𝖊✾ @La_Bella81

We can live with Leninist Democrats also #AntifaDomesticTerrorists
Fear is One thing I suggest That You Conquer it. It’s Just #Antifa Not ISIS Or We All Suffer The Consequences Ask What You Can Do For Your Country as We All Must. Don’t Be Hard on Our Police as it’s Politicos


5:59 PM – Oct 17, 2019

Just as it’s said that generals always fight the last war, Antifa believes they own the streets.  Sympathetic anti-democratic mayors in places like Seattle and Minneapolis have always given them free rein.

The pushback will come as a total surprise.  Watch the video. Many Antifa didn’t even put up their hands before getting knocked out.  It’s as if it never occurred to any of them that some people might punch back instead of taking their beatings like good little deplorables.

Antifa’s belligerence is happening during good times with the economy humming and with them having full control of the press and social media.  They are going to absolutely freak out at the prospect of four more years of a president they’ve been assured for four years wouldn’t even finish his first term.

Of course, the Democrats and the media will do all they can to foment riot — beginning the morning after the election.  Expect talking heads and politicos to flood the airwaves 24/7 with a message to the world that refusing to seat Trump for a second term is not only bravery in motion, but democracy in action because it’s the “Will of the People.”

They are delusional now — after losing they will be even more so. 

The past is prologue; they clearly believe that screaming loud enough and stamping their feet hard enough will give them the power to negate the election.  They also believe they will accomplish this without any opposition.  When it doesn’t happen as they envision, they will quickly transition from beating the weak to spilling blood.

People will notice, and as they start to see others fighting back, many are going to come out to meet them, normal people who disagree with the left’s vision of America and are willing to do battle for the nation they love.

The left is itching for a fight and the country is at a moment in time when regular people, citizens who go to work, pay mortgages, and raise kids, will decide it is long past time to give it to them.

Many will believe it is better to fight than accept the left’s control over every aspect of their lives.  Most Americans understand that should they allow the left to force the yoke upon them, civil war will be inevitable when they decide to throw off the yoke.

via American Thinker

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