Denver Fines Business For Refusing To Pick Up Homeless People’s Poop

The City of Denver is targeting a business owner with fines for refusing to clean up feces from homeless people who defecate in front of his business on a near daily basis, and now the business owner is taking the city to court.

When Jawaid Bazyar, CEO of an internet service provider in Colorado, describes downtown Denver it sounds like San Francisco. The city, he says, is turning into a “bathroom stall” filled with crime, feces, and used syringes from drug addicts.

“The wall is a bathroom stall. They lean up against it and let it rip,” Bazyar told FOX31 KDVR. “In downtown Denver, that’s nonstop now, just piles of poop.”

“There’s food, trash, drug deals,” Bazyar told CBS Denver. “In the alley, we get the defecation, drug needles.”

Tamara Chapman, a financial controller with the company, told KDVR that she has been chased and attacked by violent criminals in the area.

“I’ve been chased with a 2-by-4, a knife, a pipe,” Chapman said. “A man bashed in my windshield with a rock.”

Bazyar says that he has had to repeatedly call law enforcement, sometimes up to several times a day, to get some of these people off of his business property and now he is refusing to continue cleaning up their mess, citing the obvious safety concerns that come with bio-hazardous material.

“Because it’s a bio-hazard. It could be infectious. I didn’t hire these people to clean poop off the ground. I can’t, as an employer, just say, ‘Go and clean up the feces’,” Bazyar said. “I’m not the one doing this, and they won’t do anything about the people committing the crimes, but I’m the one who’s easy to find and easy to punish.”

Bazyar says that the police rarely respond to calls and a spokesperson for the Denver Public Health Department had issued multiple warnings to Bazyar before they started fining him.

Bazyar told CBS Denver that he is going to take the City of Denver to court over the situation, saying, “”If the city’s not going to enforce laws against trespassing, or camping, or public defecation and just make me bare the cost of these problems that’s just not right.”

“I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do,” Bazyar  told KDVR. “The government’s primary job is public safety. I think it’s a lot of politicians don’t want to be seen as anti-homeless or heartless.”

Denver has been moving further and further to the political left in recent years, including in 2017, when Democrats fought against the Trump administration and Immigration and Customs Enforcement by lessening penalties for certain crimes, including public urination and defecation, as a way of trying to protect illegal aliens from being deported.

The Washington Post reported:

Tens of thousands of legal residents have been deported for relatively minor offenses in recent decades. But under previous administrations, immigration authorities have often let low-level offenders off the hook. Now, under Trump, immigrants feel the threat of deportation more than ever, advocates say, whether they are residing here legally or not.

The proposal passed Denver’s city council Monday night. In making the change, Denver is sending a clear message to the federal government that it will not “bend to a broken immigration system,” said the city’s mayor, Michael Hancock, who proposed the sentencing revisions. They will help “keep families together by ensuring low level offenses, like park curfew, are not a deportation tool,” he said.

Over the summer, Denver elected so-called “democratic socialist” Candi CdeBaca, who admitted earlier this year that she wanted to implement communism, to city council.

In late March, CdeBaca said during a political debate (emphasis added):

I don’t believe our current economic system actually works. Capitalism by design is extractive and in order to generate profit in a capitalist system, something has to be exploited, that’s land, labor or resources.

And I think that we’re in late phase capitalism and we know it doesn’t work and we have to move into something new. And I believe in community ownership of land, labor, resources, and distribution of those resources.

And so, whatever that morphs into I think is what will serve community the best and I’m excited to usher it in by any means necessary. 

Encyclopedia Britannica defines communism as a “political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society.”

via The Daily Wire

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