CNN and Mueller ‘Weinstein’ the News Cycle

CNN and Mueller ‘Weinstein’ the News Cycle
Happy Weekend!

Just as you were thinking that the Deep State ongoing soap opera l would end with Special Counsel Robert Mueller recusing himself now that failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her DNC travelling side show had been outed, comes this:

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Bernie Sanders Proclaims There Is No Freedom Without Socialism

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders is a socialist and a progressive liberal. Either way he has that thing where words mean what he says they do rather than what their actual definitions are. The word he wants to butcher today is freedom. According to him, Americans are not truly free unless they are crushed under the non-voluntary burden of socialism. You know, because freedom means the government telling you what to do and taking all of your money.

Here’s a real tweet from the socialist kook:

“Are you truly free if you work 100 hours a week because you can’t find a job with a living wage? Are you free if you have no health care?” sanders wrote.

You would be free if you worked 100 hours a week and the government didn’t take half of your earnings, but that ain’t the case. You would be free if you got to chose whether or not you had health care coverage, but that also isn’t how things work thanks to the democrats. You see, people have to pay a crazy amount of taxes to fund the freeloaders and the ACA forces them to buy health insurance with super-high premiums, also to pay for mooches and losers.

Looking at this another way, let’s take a pop quiz:

Q: Which of these two things more represents freedom:

A) Being able to work as much as you want and being able to to choose if you want to buy a product from a private company.

B) Having no choice in surrendering half your pay and being forced under penalty of law to buy a product from a private company.

And because this is a quiz for liberals, let’s add another option:

C) F*ck you, Nazi!

If you chose B or C you just might be a liberal.

Sanders also indicates that working 100 hours a week is not enough to live on, so let’s explore that bullshit as well. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. According to federal law, any person working over 40 hours a week is entitled to time and half for each additional hour. Going by this, a person making minimum wage and working 100 hours a week would make $290 in base pay and $652.50 in overtime. That’s $942.50 a week or $49,000 a year. That’s sounds like a pretty decent yearly income to me.

The problem is, since the government is going to take a huge chunk of that money, it then becomes not so much a livable income. It gets worse because a person making that much money year is not eligible for government subsidies and is forced to but an expensive and shitty health insurance plan, which drains the money even more.

I wouldn’t expect Bernie Sanders to understand this kind of financial reality, he’s a rich asshole with 3 mansions. He thinks letting people keep more of the money they earn is stealing from the federal government and the poor. He believes that taking people’s money to pay for bloated federal programs is “free stuff” for everyone.

Bernie is under investigation for bank fraud so maybe he’s not the right guy to talk about how money works. He’s also proud of being a socialist so he’s definitely the wrong guy to talk about freedom.

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German Migrant Agency Fails To Send ‘Refugees’ Back, Even When Home Nations Are Safe

Job security.

Via Breitbart:

The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has been accused of treating refugee status as a path to immigration as they rarely ever check to see if approved refugees’ homelands are safe for them to return to.

BAMF is required to examine the details of every approved refugee case in Germany after three years of the approval date to determine if there is still a danger in the individuals home country. If the agency does not check the status by the third year the individuals are given permanent residency Die Welt reports.

So far this year BAMF has revoked the refugee status of only 206 individuals despite there being 107,000 potential cases for them to review over the same period.

Only 1,552 migrants with refugee status were actually examined this year to see if their status as refugees was still applicable.

The number of revocations of refugee status has gone down in recent years with last year seeing only 240 cases. BAMF has blamed the 2015 migrant crisis which has greatly stretched the resources of the agency.

Keep reading…

via Weasel Zippers

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George Washington Memorial Coming Down at Church He Attended

In a sad sigh of these troubled times that we live in, a memorial to the father of the country has been marked for removal.

The war on statues was never solely about those “racist” Confederate monuments but had a much broader objective of the erasure of most if not ALL of the white leadership figures in the history of this once great nation.

So say goodbye to George Washington.

Via The Hill “George Washington’s Virginia church taking down his memorial”:

A church attended by George Washington will take down a memorial to the nation’s first president, a move church leaders say is intended to make the place of worship more welcoming.

The Washington Times reported Friday that Christ Church in Alexandria, Va., will remove memorials of Washington and former Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, which stand on either side of the church’s altar.

“The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome,” church leaders said. “Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message from the prominent presence of the plaques.”

Washington began attending the church soon after it opened in 1773, and bought a pew there. He attended for more than 20 years, though he appeared more regularly at Pohick Church, southwest of his estate at Mount Vernon.

Christ Church’s decision to remove the statues comes amid a national debate over whether Confederate statues and monuments should be taken down. That debate resurfaced in August after a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., turned violent.

That the church is also removing a memorial to Robert E. Lee is irrelevant.

The liberal Taliban has already fulfilled the warning of President Donald Trump that the cultural jihad won’t end with the banishment of Civil War monuments.

They are only getting started. It won’t be long until one dollar bills and quarters are considered to be racist as well.


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Left Wing Oakland Antifa Radicals Worked With ISIS, New Book Reports

Yikes. Via Townhall: Former Editor in Chief of the New York Times Magazine Edward Klein has a new book that will be released tomorrow October 30th. In All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, Klein reveals an FBI investigation proving coordination between American college campus far left radicals and Islamic terrorists from groups such […]

via Weasel Zippers

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PAPER: Jerry Jones Plotting Coup Against Roger Goodell As NFL Carnage Continues

PAPER: Jerry Jones Plotting Coup Against Roger Goodell As NFL Carnage Continues

Are Roger Goodell’s days numbered as NFL commissioner? A new report reveals Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is plotting Goodell’s ouster, as the NFL continues to struggle through the National Anthem kneeling controversy. 

New York Post reports:

Jerry Jones sees a prone Roger Goodell, and he’s pouncing.

The influential Cowboys owner was a leader of a 17-owner conference call Thursday discussing whether they could halt a pending contract extension for the commissioner, according to an ESPN report Sunday.

Jones tried holding up the talks last month, according to Sports Business Daily, after Goodell slammed Ezekiel Elliott with a six-game suspension (a war that is now being waged in court). Amid another controversy this month — the national anthem saga has necessitated multiple owners-players meetings, as Goodell won’t mandate the players stand and Jones is threatening Cowboys onto their feet — Jones appears to be relaunching an attempt at dethroning the commissioner.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Roger Goodell’s future with the NFL is in question as the National Anthem controversy continues to take its toll on the league.

Real Clear Life reports:

As the National Football League has struggled to come up with a game-plan to handle the controversy surrounding players who kneel in protest during the National Anthem, the issue has had a ripple effect behind closed doors.

And that includes a delay on a contract extension of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, ESPN is reporting.

“The anthem issue has overridden everything — and I do mean everything,” a source told ESPN.

That’s because total viewership has plummeted over first six weeks of the NFL season— dropping 7.5 percent compared to the same period last year season — spurred by outrage from both sides over the league handling of the #TakeAKnee movement.

As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft previously reported, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has made over $212 million in salary since 2006.

Goodell is the highest paid person in the NFL.

And he’s destroying the league.

Roger Goodell is destroying the league.

The NFL is losing viewers like a sieve thanks to his weak leadership.

The NFL has lost 3.3 million viewers in two years since Colin Kaepernick first started to sit and kneel during the national anthem in protest.

And the NFL continues to lose millions in income as viewers turn off the unpatriotic sports league.


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via The Gateway Pundit

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Disgusting Behavior: ABC Panel Shouts Down Truth of Dossier Collusion

Fox and Friends’ co-host Brian Kilmeade walked into a lion’s den during his book tour on Sunday when he appeared ABC’s This Week as a part of a panel that was stacked 5:1 against him. A fairly large segment of their roundtable discussion was about the infamous Trump dossier that was put together by a British spy, Russian agents, and paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Everything got extremely heated when the liberal panel began to shout Kilmeade down and ludicrously claim there was no connection between Clinton/Democrats and the Russians via the dossier.

When Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos first brought up the dossier for this panel to discuss, he called on Clinton campaign staffer Karen Kinney to set up their talking points. “Yeah, but again, that dossier, came from an American company that we—that originally been funded by Republicans as you have mentioned earlier,” she argued. I think what’s important though is less who funded it and [more] what was in the dossier.

Then it was Kilmeade’s turn to speak, he began by briefly talking about what we could expect from the Robert Mueller indictment on Monday and then shifted to laying out the facts of the dossier. “Then we find out that somebody else picks up the investigation, makes it international. It has a Russian element. There was no Russian element to the Free Beacon-financed opposition research,” he explained, while pointing out the ridiculousness of John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chair, claiming he didn’t notice $6-9 million dollars leaving the campaign’s bank account.

ABC’s pretend Republican, Matthew Dowd took acceptation with Kilmeade telling the truth and raising questions about Clinton campaign’s honesty. “I have to say. I have to say, we need to give up the David Copperfield or Harry Houdini award for misdirection in this thing. This reminds me of the uranium deal,” he spat. “There is no similarity between what Robert Mueller’s investigation in collusion and what the Russians wanted to do and a dossier paid for in part by the Democrats in order of events.

When Kilmeade tried to refute Dowd’s ridiculousness, the fake Republican exclaimed: “There is no Russian relationship between the dossier and the Democrats!” And from there the panel discussion cascaded into an all-out shouting match with each panelist taking shots at Kilmeade directly while trying to distort the truth.

This is the real test as to whether or not Republicans will actually put patriotism above partisanship. Will conservative media folks actually speak truth or want to defend Trump at any and all costs,” lambasted ABC commentator Roland Martin, clearly targeting Kilmeade for working at Fox News. The lone Republican responded by accurately pointing out how Martin’s version of “patriotism” was only measured by a person’s condemnation of the President, all while Martin was trying to yell over him.

Kinney again chimed in with the Democratic Party’s historical revisionism and claimed that for over a year and a half everyone knew that the Dems were funding the dossier, when in fact it was only speculation. As Kilmeade was pointing out how her assertions were false because the Party and the campaign had denied it the whole time, Dowd began to yell at him: “Two shows in Vegas! Two shows in Vegas! Misdirection!” And the circus continued.

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Amongst the shouting and crosstalk, Dowd and Kinney could be heard saying “The truth is important Brian!” and “Brian, there are actual facts,” respectively. Kinney tied to defend Fusion GPS, the company behind the dossier, for covering up the documents’ financiers by saying “GPS is an American company. GPS is an American company.” But the fact of the matter was: They hired a British spy who talked with Russian agents.

I just love this filibustering spin. It’s pretty cute Brian,” Martin mocked.

Stephanopoulos either had enough of the screaming or needed to get to a commercial, because he finally stepping in to settle them down after several minutes. And in doing so, he asserted that “we know that nothing in the dossier came out during the campaign. So it had no effect on the campaign.

But if the standard was that nothing came out during the election, then why did the liberal media blow up when Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer for opposition research, which he never received? The answer was it was a blatant double standard set up for the benefit of Clinton and the Democrats.

The behavior of Stephanopoulos and the rest of the panel was pathetic. The veteran Clinton lackey let his liberal guests get away with rewriting history and directly insulting their fellow panelists. And their denial of the facts was highly disturbing and unsettling, which completely brought into question ABC’s commitment to the truth.

Transcript below:

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This Week
October 29, 2017
9:24:20 AM Eastern

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: But earlier in the week, Karen Finney, you did see a lot of these questions in tweets from the President saying collusion now between the Clintons and the Russians. And also, we did learn that the Clintons’ lawyer, Mark Elias did fund this Fusion GPS dossier.

KAREN FINNEY: Yeah, but again, that dossier, came from an American company that we—that originally been funded by Republicans as you have mentioned earlier. I think what’s important though is less who funded it and [more] what was in the dossier.


BRIAN KILMEADE: To the GPS situation. We found out it’s not a candidate. We found out it was Paul Singer and his Free Beacon. We found out he was looking at two candidates in particular. And he stopped the investigation as soon as Donald Trump locked up the nomination. As soon as he did that, he goes: “Okay, let’s see what happens,” from the Republican perspective. Then we find out that somebody else picks up the investigation, makes it international. It has a Russian element. There was no Russian element to the Free Beacon-financed opposition research. That’s a major difference. And then we’re supposed to believe that John Podesta had no idea that $6 million to $9 million is flying out of the campaign? He said he didn’t know. And his lawyer: When he said he didn’t know, Mark Elias says: “Oh, yeah, I actually approved that.” So you had the lawyer sitting next to a client who’s pretending he doesn’t know that’s unbelievable.

MATTHEW DOWD: As Karen knows and Roland knows, I’ve been highly critical of Hillary Clinton for a long period of time in all the manifestations that have been—

ROLAND MARTIN: I think all of us know that, not just ne and Karen.


DOWD: I have to say. I have to say, we need to give up the David Copperfield or Harry Houdini award for misdirection in this thing. This reminds me of the uranium deal, whole story, that’s been debunked along the way–all along the way. This is a whole other story. There is no similarity between what Robert Mueller’s investigation in collusion and what the Russians wanted to do and a dossier paid for in part by the Democrats in order of events.


KILMEADE: But Matt, why would you think that? The FBI indictments could have been handed out—


DOWD: There is no Russian relationship between the dossier and the Democrats.

MARTIN: Here is what is laughable. We literally watch a campaign, of folks chant lock her up, that we can’t have a President under investigation, and we’re here right now. This is the real test as to whether or not Republicans will actually put patriotism above partisanship. Will conservative media folks actually speak truth or want to defend Trump at any and all costs. I it love how people are complaining about players taking a knee and the flag and excusing what excuse what Russia Has done.


KILMEADE: Why do you think that patriotism has something to do with admitting Trump’s wrong? He doesn’t think he’s wrong.

MARTIN: Brian!

KILMEADE: They don’t think he’s wrong.

MARTIN: Brian!

KILMEADE: There’s no evidence that he is wrong.

MARTIN: Brian!

KILMEADE: So what is patriotic about saying somebody is wrong?

MARTIN: This is a guy who will knowingly lie and not admit the truth. So whether he says it, is relevant to me.



FINNEY: It’s been known for a year that Democrats had been paying for it.

KILMEADE: No it wasn’t. It was denied by John Podesta.

FINNEY He didn’t know.

KILMEADE: It was denied by the DNC chairman. [Dowd to shout him down] Let me. No. No. No.


DOWD: Two shows in Vegas. Two shows in Vegas. Misdirection.



KILMEADE: Sorry if you’re frustrated.

DOWD: I’m not frustrated. The truth is important Brian!

KINNEY: Brian, there are actual facts.

KILMEADE: So, let me finish and I’ll tell you the facts. Tuesday, Wednesday, we get the revelations because GPS did not want to hand over their records about who financed their international probe into Trump Tower—excuse me into Russia. And then Tuesday, Wednesday, it turns out $3.6 million from the Democrats. And $6 million from Hillary Clinton’s campaign which he never admitted to before.


KINNEY: GPS is an American company. GPS is an American company.

MARTIN: I just love this filibustering spin. It’s pretty cute Brian


STEPHANOPOULOS: I’m stopping this. Wait. There are two facts. Two facts about the dossier that we know. We know that it had nothing to do with the intelligence community’s findings that Russia interfered with the election. Absolutely nothing to do with that. And number two, we know that nothing in the dossier came out during the campaign. So it had no effect on the campaign.


via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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