George Washington Memorial Coming Down at Church He Attended

In a sad sigh of these troubled times that we live in, a memorial to the father of the country has been marked for removal.

The war on statues was never solely about those “racist” Confederate monuments but had a much broader objective of the erasure of most if not ALL of the white leadership figures in the history of this once great nation.

So say goodbye to George Washington.

Via The Hill “George Washington’s Virginia church taking down his memorial”:

A church attended by George Washington will take down a memorial to the nation’s first president, a move church leaders say is intended to make the place of worship more welcoming.

The Washington Times reported Friday that Christ Church in Alexandria, Va., will remove memorials of Washington and former Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, which stand on either side of the church’s altar.

“The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome,” church leaders said. “Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message from the prominent presence of the plaques.”

Washington began attending the church soon after it opened in 1773, and bought a pew there. He attended for more than 20 years, though he appeared more regularly at Pohick Church, southwest of his estate at Mount Vernon.

Christ Church’s decision to remove the statues comes amid a national debate over whether Confederate statues and monuments should be taken down. That debate resurfaced in August after a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., turned violent.

That the church is also removing a memorial to Robert E. Lee is irrelevant.

The liberal Taliban has already fulfilled the warning of President Donald Trump that the cultural jihad won’t end with the banishment of Civil War monuments.

They are only getting started. It won’t be long until one dollar bills and quarters are considered to be racist as well.


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