Pirro: Roy Moore’s Election ‘Was an Anti-McConnell Referendum’

Pirro: Roy Moore’s Election ‘Was an Anti-McConnell Referendum’

30 Sep, 2017
30 Sep, 2017

Saturday during her opening statement on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” Jeanine Pirro reacted to former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore’s victory over Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) in Alabama’s Republican U.S. Senate primary runoff, saying the victory was an anti-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) referendum.

Pirro said Moore won the GOP vote over Strange because “Moore is more like Trump” and cannot be bought.

“Roy Moore, with virtually no money, wins even though the president, at Mitch McConnell’s request supports the sitting senator,” Pirro stated. “Now, that would make sense given he needs ‘Big Luther’ who is sitting until December for his healthcare and tax reform vote.”

She added, “Moore is a horseback riding cowboy who knows how to handle a weapon, a constitutional Christian conservative who twice chose to lose his job rather than compromise his principles, the kind of man who simply cannot be bought.”

“For decades, the establishment has been giving it to the American people. Last week, Alabama Republicans gave a big one back to the establishment, and it portends yet another upcoming insurrection not only in the next race between Judge Moore and his Democratic challenger this December but in the 2018 mid-term elections. Strap in, folks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride,” Pirro continued.

Pirro warned McConnell that he and his “lazy, blood-sucking” establishment Republicans are in for the “ride” of their lives in the 2018 mid-term elections.

“[Y]ou and your establishment, lazy, blood-sucking money hungry croners [sic] who do nothing for the hard working forgotten men and women of America are in for the ride of your lives. Be careful you don’t get thrown,” she concluded.

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Massachusetts Elementary Teacher Faces Backlash for Kneeling During Pledge of Allegiance

Massachusetts Elementary Teacher Faces Backlash for Kneeling During Pledge of Allegiance

1 Oct, 2017
1 Oct, 2017

An elementary school teacher in Littleton, Massachusetts, is facing criticism from students and parents for taking a knee as her students recited the Pledge of Allegiance on Thursday.

A substitute teacher at Russell Street Elementary School decided to protest during the pledge and afterward reportedly shared her political views with the students, according to New England Cable News.

After students and parents complained, the school district quickly apologized and noted that the district did not sanction the teacher’s actions.

“The Littleton Public Schools respect the rights of all individuals to participate or respectfully abstain from participating in the Pledge of Allegiance,” Russell Street Principal Scott Bazydlo said. “While this topic is timely and does have educational merit, it should be addressed sensitively and age-appropriately by permanent faculty and inclusive of the beliefs of all children and families.”

Bazydlo added, “While well-intended…[it] should not have taken place in the fashion it did.”

NBC Boston reported that one parent said, “I agree with what they’re doing, I just don’t think it’s the proper place for it, but in the same token, I think if the teacher could make her views known in a more apolitical way perhaps. I think trying to impart your own political views to students … I think it’s inappropriate.”

Other parents told NBC that the pledge wasn’t the time or the place for such a discussion.


Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government, Education, Pre-Viral, Education, Pledge of Allegiance, protest


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Puerto Rican Cop Claims Leftist San Juan Mayor Blocking Distribution of Relief Supplies

In a stunning development, a woman who has identified herself as a Puerto Rican police officer called into a New York City Hispanic radio station to make the incredible claim that San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz is blocking the distribution of hurricane relief supplies to suffering citizens.

Mayor Yulin Cruz has become the focal point of the media’s weekly slime and destroy campaign against President Donald Trump and has been defended by Democrats and RINO Republicans alike for her claim on CNN that the Trump administration was enabling genocide by not providing sufficient relief.

But something smells like a rat with this bitch, from the CNN interview with Anderson Cooper where she had a fresh new t-shirt with the slogan “HELP US WE ARE DYING” to the rapid response of Democrats and their mouthpieces that have turned her into a persecuted victim of a mean man who hates non-whites and women.

Cracks began to appear in the narrative earlier when a fellow mayor pointed out that Yulin Cruz had not been in attendance during FEMA meetings, rather she seems to be busy cultivating her political career and if the call from the woman is true – quite possibly using criminal methods by impeding the flow of supplies to those who need them to inflict maximum damage on Trump.

Here’s the interview (note: turn on closed captioning to get the English translation)


“The Mayor, Carmen Yulin, is not allowing anyone to distribute [aid supplies],” the unidentified police officer told hosts on Mega 97.9 in New York. “I need to pass this information out because the stuff that is being brought from the U.S. it is not being distributed. They are not allowing the Puerto Rican people to receive the donations.”

“There are dozens and thousands and thousands of food and when people ask we cannot give anything away because Carmen Yulin says that we cannot take anything out,” the officer said blaming the publicity-hungry Mayor. “Everything is a soap opera, everything is a show there have to be cameras here because they are looking for votes.”

The Democrats and their allies will stop at nothing to exploit the tragedy and human misery brought by this natural disaster to destroy Trump just like they did to George W. Bush after Hurricane Katrina, they are even bragging about it.

There has been no identification of the woman on the call and no independent verification on whether it is indeed true but it would seem to fit with stories emerging of thousands of shipping containers full of aid supplies and food that are sitting and rotting in the sun due to an uncanny lack of the ability to get truck drivers to distribute them to the people.

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Heterosexual Clemson Students Encouraged to Find a ‘Same-Sex Partner’ in Questionnaire

Heterosexual Clemson Students Encouraged to Find a ‘Same-Sex Partner’ in Questionnaire

29 Sep, 2017
29 Sep, 2017

Heterosexual students at Clemson University are being encouraged to take on a “same-sex partner” as part of a questionnaire distributed by Ph.D. candidate and course instructor Traci Hefner.

The questionnaire, which was an attempt to help heterosexual Clemson students understand what it is like to be gay, was handed out to students in a “Sociology of Sex and Gender” course. The course, which is offered within the criminal justice concentration, seeks to provide students with a better understanding of ethics and diversity in the field of criminal justice. The criminal justice program was restructured in 2016 to add nine credit-hours of social justice-themed coursework.

“When and how did you first decide you were a heterosexual?” the questionnaire asks. “Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase you will out-grow? Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from bad experiences with people of the same sex?”

“If you’ve never been sexually or romantically involved with a person of the same sex, is it possible that all you need is a good same-sex partner?” it continues.

“How can you become a whole person if you limit yourself to heterosexuality and fail to develop your natural, healthy homosexual potential?” the questionnaire continues. “Would you want your children to be heterosexual, knowing the problems they’d face?”

“Statistics show that heterosexuals are most affected by STIs, and that lesbians have the lowest incidence of STIs,” another question adds. “Is it really safe for a woman to have a heterosexual lifestyle and run the risk of disease and pregnancy?”

The questionnaire then shames heterosexuals for having too many children. “Considering the global problem of overpopulation, why are heterosexuals so careless about having children?”

Another exercise given to the students makes the case that heteronormativity hurts LGBTQ persons. The document does not consider that heteronormativity derives from the reality that the majority of Americans are heterosexual.

One Clemson student complained that the exercise was irrelevant to the study of criminal justice. “Basically she used it as a means to start a discussion on how heteros say that all the time to gays and how heteronormative societies push gays away,” a student in the class explained.

“It felt like she was trying to make being hetero a negative thing,” the student finished, calling the exercise “completely pointless to criminal justice.”

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In First, Denmark Deploys Troops to Guard Synagogue, Israeli Embassy

In First, Denmark Deploys Troops to Guard Synagogue, Israeli Embassy

30 Sep, 2017
30 Sep, 2017

(AFP) COPENHAGEN, Denmark — The Danish military deployed troops in Copenhagen on Friday to guard the city’s synagogue and the Israeli embassy, hours ahead of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday.

The deployment was the first by troops in the Danish capital since WWII.

The synagogue and the Israeli embassy have been under police protection since two deadly attacks in 2015.

An AFP correspondent at the scene saw armed soldiers standing outside Copenhagen’s main synagogue, with the narrow medieval street where it is located sealed off on both ends, hours before the start of Yom Kippur on Friday evening.

“This is the first time they are used in this type of situation, so it’s unique,” Copenhagen police spokesman Rasmus Bernt Skovsgaard said.

Danish police have protected Jewish institutions in the country since Omar El-Hussein, a Danish citizen of Palestinian origin who swore allegiance to the Islamic State group, opened fire outside the synagogue, killing one Jewish man and wounding two police officers in 2015.

Hours earlier, El-Hussein attacked a cultural centre hosting a free speech and Islam forum attended by the controversial Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who faced death threats for penning a caricature of the Prophet Mohammad.

A filmmaker, Finn Norgaard, was killed in that attack. Police later killed El-Hussein.

The soldiers, who will be deployed until March 2018, are “well-trained and equipped to carry out this type of mission,” Lieutenant Colonel Steen Dalsgaard of the Danish army told AFP.

Some 160 soldiers have been deployed in Copenhagen and at the Danish-German border, where controls were restored at the end of 2015 to limit a migrant influx.

Denmark’s terror threat level is “serious”, ranked four on a five-point scale, according to the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET).

The latest deployment is not a response to any new threat, but rather aims to assist Copenhagen police strained by operations in other parts of the city.

Police will continue to guard the Jewish museum and the school.

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Knife-wielding man kills 2 women in Marseille, France, terrorism suspected

A man wielding a knife murdered two women at a train station in Marseille, France Sunday. The attacker was shot dead by military police at the scene who are part of “Operation Sentinelle.” CNN reports authorities are investigating the attack as terrorism:

The incident is being treated as a terror attack and has been handed over to a special prosecutor in Paris, the prosecutor’s office told CNN.

Military police killed the suspect. Authorities are investigating whether he had links to terror organizations.

CNN and the NY Times are not offering any clues as to why terrorism is suspected but the BBC fills in some of the details:

An unnamed official told France’s Le Monde newspaper that the assailant had cried “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest).

French media report that both victims were women; one had her throat cut and the other was stabbed to death…

The man who carried out the attack was in his twenties and of North African appearance, reports say.

The Daily Mail adds some eyewitness accounts describing the panic that apparently started when people heard the gunshots of the police firing on the attacker:

‘There was screaming and shouting, and people were running everywhere,’ said one witness. ‘People were picking up children, and trying to help those who weren’t very good on their feet. They just wanted to get away.’

Another female witness called Hajar told FranceInfo: ‘I heard two shots, that was what triggered the panic. People came out of a waiting room shouting ‘Run! Don’t stay in the station. Everybody outside.’

‘I had just got to the station when everyone started running. People sitting on the terrace of a fast food restaurant came inside and shouted ‘Run, get out! Then I saw a woman on the floor, they were giving her CPR.’

There was an acid attack on four American women in their 20s in the same train station two weeks ago. All four of the intended victims were students at Boston College. The 41-year-old woman who attacked them was later arrested and police said she had a “psychiatric history.”

I’ll update this post later if there are new developments.

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Iron Mike Ditka Sacks Kaepernick: If You Don’t Like America, Get the HELL OUT!

Fans may have a serious problem with how multimillionaire malcontents have used their rich black athlete privilege to hijack the NFL to promote their political beliefs but it must be particularly galling to the old school guys who played back in the era when real men who roamed the gridiron.

There is nobody more old school than Iron Mike Ditka.

Most recognize Ditka as the head coach of the Super Bowl-winning 1986 Chicago Bears team and later the New Orleans Saints as well as a prolific pitchman but the legendary tough guy had a Hall of Fame career as a player.

During his twelve-year career, Ditka helped to define the position of the modern tight end and was a five-time All-Pro for the Bears, Cowboys and Eagles. Not only could he catch but like many of the era’s hard-nosed players, he punished opponents physically with his blocking.

Not only was the game still a game when Ditka played – players weren’t spoiled millionaires – but they understood the importance of patriotism as well as respected the nation that gave them the opportunity to earn a living playing a game.

Limp-wristed whining leftist fruit bags like Colin Kaepernick couldn’t have made a team as a waterboy during that era and it comes as no surprise that Ditka has little patience for a man who has somehow managed to become a messianic figure to liberal lepers.

When a Dallas radio station caught up with Ditka, he didn’t hold back with his feelings.

Via Newsbusters “Ditka: ‘You Don’t Like the Country, Get the Hell Out!’ — ‘I Have No Respect’ for Kaepernick”:

Three-time Super Bowl champion and Pro Football Hall of Fame member Mike Ditka, who also is an analyst for ESPN’s NFL Live, said he did not agree with 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick — now a free agent — kneeling in protest during the national anthem, saying he had “no respect for Kaepernick” and that if you don’t like the country, then “get the Hell out!”

During a Sept. 23 interview on Dallas’ 105.3 The Fan program, the host asked, “Where do you stand on this whole Colin Kaepernick issue?  Do you have a problem with Colin Kaepernick?”

Ditka, a two-time NFL Coach of the Year, said, “I think it’s a problem when anybody who disrespects this country and the flag. If they don’t like the country, they don’t like our flag, get the Hell out! That’s what I think.”

“So, if you’re asking me, I have no respect for Colin Kaepernick,” said Ditka.  “He probably has no respect for me. That’s his choice.”

“My choice is that I like this country, I respect our flag, and I don’t see all the atrocities going on in this country that people say are going on,” said Ditka, who coached the Chicago Bears to their victory in Super Bowl XX.

“I see opportunities, if people want to look for opportunity,” said Ditka.  “Now, if they don’t want to look for them, then you can find problems with anything.”

“But this is the land of opportunity because you can be anything you want to be, if you work.,” he said. “Now, if you don’t work, that’s a different problem.”

It’s pretty hard to argue with any of what Ditka said. The problem with the current generation of players is that they have had everything given to them on a silver platter, have no respect for either the fans or country that saved them from having to work for a living and no clue when it comes to either history or traditional American values.

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Neighboring Mayor Praises Trump, Says San Juan Mayor Playing ‘Politics,’ AWOL At Meetings

She is giving exclusive interviews to Anderson Cooper.

Via Washington Examiner:

The mayor of a Puerto Rican city that sits next to San Juan praised the administration’s help Saturday night, and chided the “politics” of San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, who has been criticizing President Trump.

In an interview with Secrets, Guaynabo Mayor Angel Perez Otero said that in several meetings with FEMA and U.S. military officials about the recovery effort, Yulin Cruz has been absent. “I’ve seen other mayors participating. She’s not,” said Perez Otero.

Despite days of praise for the government’s effort from Puerto Rico’s governor, Yulin Cruz has become the new face of the island in the media with her sharp criticism of the administration’s efforts.

Asked if he has seen similar shortfalls and non-communication from the administration, Perez Otero said “that’s not been my experience.” He added, “There is a lot of politics in Puerto Rico.”

Perez Otero added that the San Juan mayor “is my friend.” His municipality sits just west of San Juan. Together, they make up most of the San Juan metropolitan area.

Perez Otero said that he has been in constant contact with military, FEMA and White House officials and has been promised that “they won’t leave until Puerto Rico is good.” He added that a top Trump aide quoted the president saying that the aid so far “is not enough. There is going to be more.”

He noted that the country was in a financial crisis before Hurricane Maria hit and that it needs financial help from Washington.

Keep reading…

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Newsflash To Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz: You’re NOT An Oppressed Victim

Facts: Not a single man, woman or child in the domestic USA or its unincorporated territories is being actively oppressed by the government or society at large.

Many are suffering because of either their personal choices or unfortunate circumstances — newsflash: life isn’t fair — but they’re not being oppressed, period. Yet many feel otherwise. Why?

In a piece for Townhall, John Hawkins rightly noted it takes a “stunning level of self-absorption and self-deception … to believe you’re oppressed in America.”

Especially in light of all the actual oppression occurring across the world in Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, Venezuela, you name it.

“Oppression is worrying that you may be jailed in China for speaking out against the government,” Hawkins explained. “Oppression is eating your dog in North Korea because the dictator running the country with an iron fist is just fine with you starving to death. Oppression is Christians across the Middle East being systematically murdered because of their religion while their Muslim rulers shrug their shoulders.”

Correct on all counts.

So instead of legions of oppressed, what we really have here in the states are “an awful lot of Americans who are spoiled, bored, need attention or are just looking for any excuse for messing up their own lives.” Take San Juan, Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, who I argue is the quintessential poster child of oppressed brats.

Rather than work with federal agencies to help her constituents deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, the Democrat political leader rushed to the media to smear President Donald Trump for having allegedly “abandoned” Puerto Rico — but not without first printing a made-for-TV t-shirt:

Cruz’s lies rightly irritated the president, spurring him to repeatedly blast her on Twitter. In response, the media began painting her as an oppressed victim of President Donald Trump’s purported white supremacy.

“Trump can’t accept brown people and women calling him out,” claimed one particularly deceitful scumbag writing for the fake news outfit known as CNN:

Wrong, idiot. Neither Trump nor his black, white, Hispanic, Indian, etc., supporters care much for lying, sniveling, terrorist-loving dirtbags who care more about earning oppression points from the media than taking care of their constituents.

And her actions and rhetoric make it clearly she’s certainly not oppressed — she’s just a manipulative bitch, and yes, I said it.

Likewise, the president’s willingness to call her out doesn’t make him either an oppressor or an asshole (as some “Never Trump” types have suggested); it makes him a man who doesn’t take shit from anyone 

But especially hacks who pretend to be oppressed victims — or, as Hawkins described them, “sad, weak people who claim the tiny molehills in front of them are mountains so they can feel better about themselves.”

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