Federal Judge Rules To Withhold Important Information In Benghazi Case

Today is the fifth anniversary.

Via Daily Caller:

Days before the fifth-year anniversary of the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya that killed U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens, a federal judge ruled that jurors at the trial of Libyan radical Islamist Ahmed Abu Khattala, charged with organizing the September 11, 2012 assault, cannot be told information that may prove he threatened to murder one of Stevens’s successor, Politico reported.

Khattala’s trial is expected to happen later this month in Washington, D.C. U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Cooper prevented prosecutors from showing evidence to jurors that proves Khattala communicated to an ally about murdering the other U.S. ambassador in retaliation for the U.S.’s capture of another Libyan Islamist in 2012, Abu Anas Al-Libi.

Other American casualties of the Benghazi attack include diplomat Sean Smith and CIA security contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

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via Weasel Zippers

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Exclusive — Rep. Trent Franks on 9/11 Anniversary: America Must Combat ‘Radical Jihadists’

Today we commemorate a tragic anniversary. On this day 16 years ago, radical jihadists, who had found safe harbor under Taliban rule in Afghanistan, viciously attacked our nation in the calm hours of the morning.

The terrorists hijacked four commercial jets and used them as missiles to destroy symbolic national targets. They succeeded in destroying the two World Trade Center towers in downtown Manhattan, colliding into the western façade of the Pentagon, and deliberately crashing a flight of passengers (which was likely headed for the U.S. Capitol building) into a field in Somerset County, PA.

Referencing Roosevelt’s description of the attacks on Pearly Harbor, many Americans have regarded the date of September 11th, 2001 as a day that ‘lives on in infamy.’

Peaceful Muslims were immediately looked upon with suspicion. The terrorists claimed their terrible deeds were done in God’s name. All nations came together to rebuke this evil assertion. The God who created humankind would never tolerate the murder and slaughter of innocents.

The attacks also seared into us a new understanding of global order: America’s national security was vulnerable and threatened by an evil force that could find safe haven in certain parts of the globe. As a result, we found a new responsibility – to make it clear to international actors that they could not tolerate members this evil within their borders. America entreated its global allies to help us in our cause.

Today, we have reached a disconcerting impasse. We no longer enjoy the moral clarity we did 16 years ago. Most individuals within our society’s elite feel it is impolite or uncivil to discuss or name the ideology of our enemy.

Consequently, we lack a necessary tool to combat our foe – language. This leaves us without the ability to assemble or articulate a moral consensus about what caused the attacks 16 years ago. Consequently, we have been able to engage this enemy on a tactical level only rather than on the critical strategic level necessary to excise it from human society.

Earlier this year, I introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act in the House Armed Services Committee commissioning the Department of Defense to prepare a report to study the main tenants of our enemies so that we can begin to combat them strategically. Because my amendment contained the word Islam, nearly all Democrats and just enough Republicans voted against the language. How is it we are not able to study nor willing to name an enemy that our country has spent 16 years, hundreds of billions of dollars, and the blood of our noblest citizens fighting?

The 9/11 attackers were not mentally ill, they were not underemployed, they were not vigilantes exacting justice on the West because of our history of imperialism. No, the jihadist murderers attacked innocents because they believed a false thing to be true: that the Creator would look favorably upon them for their violence, that they were transcendentally justified, that they were doing the will of God.

No one mourns or loves the victims of 9/11 more than the God who created them.

As long as this spectrum of violent jihadists exists within the human family, killing innocents in the name of orthodox Islam, they will be a threat, first and foremost to Muslims, but also to Christians, Jews and all believers/non-believers alike.

America will lead the world in routing these foes. Even now, the Trump Administration is destroying ISIS as an army occupying land. However, the ideology that animates the vast majority of terrorism in the world today is still on the march. For the sake of our children and future generations, it remains our task to identify this evil creed and proceed to destroy it and its manifestations strategically, tactically and completely. We ask anew that all nations of the world join us in that critical task.

Trent Franks is a Republican congressman representing the 8th district of Arizona in the U.S. House of Representatives.

via Breitbart News

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Trump’s Been Making America Great Again With Secret Changes…Media Eerily Quiet

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As the media focused on President Donald Trump’s stunning debt-ceiling deal with Democrats last week, the president quietly moved forward with his plan to reshape the judiciary by submitting 16 judicial nominees to the Senate for confirmation.

Listed in a White House statement published Thursday, the nominees included a litany of conservative firebrands such as current deputy White House Counsel Gregory G. Katsas, a former clerk of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and a veteran of former President George W. Bush’s Justice Department.

Some media outlets did take notice of the move, although it was rather buried under news of the debt-ceiling deal as well as coverage about Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Still, here’s what some pundits had to say:

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“Greg Katsas has a long an illustrious career both in government and private practice and is a widely respected Supreme Court advocate,” Carrie Severino of the conservative Judicial Crisis Networktold CNN. “While I expect the Democrats will try to put partisan politics first, it’s hard to overlook his impressive qualifications and his commitment to the rule of law.”

Even the hardcore intellectual conservatives at National Review were impressed by Katsas’s nomination.

“(A) Judge Katsas would have a consistent judicial philosophy, one in line with Trump’s promises,” wrote contributing editor Shannon W. Coffin, adding that the president’s choice in Katsas was a veritable “Trump home run.”

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If approved, Katsas would serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Likewise, Ryan Wesley Bounds would serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, and Elizabeth L. “Lisa” Branch would serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit.

With conservatives such as these running the circuit and appellate courts, the president would stand a far higher chance of being able to move ahead with his agenda, which explains the liberal reaction to these awesome nominations.

As reported by The Huffington Post, radical leftist organizations have begun “pressuring members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to slow down the confirmation process for federal judges, thereby limiting how many President Donald Trump can seat.”

Obstruction, in other words — a cornerstone of so-called Democrat “leadership.”

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“Tell the Senate Judiciary Committee: No lifetime judicial appointments for a white supremacist in chief with no respect for the Constitution or the rule of law,” wrote Credo, one of the radical groups leading the mission against the president’s nominees.

Correction: Obstruction and insanity.

These people are completely bonkers, which is why Democrat congressional leaders would be wise to ignore them. Of course, some Democrats are just as crazy and delusional as they are, so who knows what’ll happen.

H/T The Daily Caller

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via Conservative Tribune

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Liberal Author Compares Arrests Of Looters To ‘White Supremacy’

Via Fox News:

An author and journalist came under fire on social media Monday, after she tweeted a reply to an anti-looting warning from Miami police by saying: “The carceral state… is inseparable from white supremacy.”

The Miami Police Department took to Twitter on Sunday, as Hurricane Irma battered the state. “Thinking about looting? Ask these guys how that turned out. #stayindoors,” the post read, sharing a photo of people inside a jail cell.

Though Sarah Jaffe’s tweet on Monday garnered 1,500 likes, it sparked more than 100 comments — many of which were critical and accused her of being racist.

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via Weasel Zippers

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What a Shock! Democrats Caught in Major Lie About DREAMERS (Video)

At least 2.1 million illegal alien children in the US are potentially eligible for DACA—with 1.2 million having immediately met the age, education, length of residence, and other criteria when the initiative launched in 2012.

That’s a lot of potential Democrat voters. The Democrat party relies on these newbies to win elections and take the US down the road of ruin.

Leading Democrats are so upset about losing the DREAMER vote they are citing the service of illegal aliens in the US armed forces.

Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama say the DREAMERS represent “the best of our country.”

Now here’s the truth.

Only 900 DREAMERS openly serve in the US military. Or less than .1%.

There are up to 1.4 million people serving in the U.S. armed forces according to the Department of Defense. Over 2 million serve as active duty or reserves. That means that 0.4 percent of the American population is active military personnel – a much higher percent that DREAMERS in the military.

Democrats are lying again.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

The post What a Shock! Democrats Caught in Major Lie About DREAMERS (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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What Happened? Hillary’s New Book Sees Price Slash of 40% by Amazon, Walmart Before Release

Amazon and Walmart both cut the price of 2016 failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s memoir ‘What Happened‘ by 40% just a day before its release – SAD!

The book comes out Tuesday, but prices have already dropped for “What Happened” by 40%, from a price of $30 to a price of $17.99.

Much of what makes up the book has been detailed and reported on in the media thanks to copies that were leaked. The book – based on leaked information – is a series of excuses and reasons why she lost unrelated to her poor political performance.

Hillary Clinton, everybody, the world’s worst loser . . .

Below is a brief set of reviews that have shown up despite the book not being out until tomorrow:

The post What Happened? Hillary’s New Book Sees Price Slash of 40% by Amazon, Walmart Before Release appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Miss America Contestants Asked to Condemn President Trump

Though the ominous feeling of concern for those in the path of Hurricane Irma in Florida hung heavy in the air, the show must go on. Miss America 2018 on ABC aired September 10th and throughout the show, donations for hurricane relief were solicited for those affected in both Texas and Florida. Never fear, though. Politics dominated the final question competition and yes, it was all about President Trump.

Breaking with the tradition of one question per finalist in the final round of competition, this year the pageant decided to ask two questions of each – described as one serious and one playful. The serious questions were saved for the last five finalists. Four of the five questions were political.

It began with a question asked by judge Jordin Sparks to Miss Missouri, Jennifer Davis, about the multiple investigations into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians – did Miss Davis think the Trump campaign was innocent or guilty? She said, “Innocent.” The crowd responded with mostly cheers. She said there wasn’t enough evidence but if the campaign proves to be guilty, the Justice Department should punish accordingly.

Sparks: There are multiple investigations into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia on the election. Well, did they? You’re the jury: guilty or innocent and please explain your verdict.

Miss Missouri: Right now I have to say innocent, because not enough information has been revealed. We are still investigating this and I think we should investigate it to its fullest extent. If we do find the evidence that they have had collusion with Russia, the justice system should do their due diligence and they should be punished accordingly.

Miss Texas, Margana Wood, was asked by Jess Cagle about the Charlottesville protest with the KKK, white supremacists, and Antifa. Should Trump have said there were good people on both sides of the protest, he asked. Miss Wood gave a boilerplate liberal answer – Trump should have labeled the white supremacists as terrorists and made a statement sooner to make all Americans feel safe. She didn’t mention the terrorist actions of Antifa, though.

Cagle: Last month, a demonstration of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and KKK in Charlottesville, Virginia turned violent and a counter protester was killed. The president said there was shared blame with quote very fine people on both sides. Were there? Tell me yes or no, and explain.

Miss Texas: I think that the white supremacist issue, it was very obvious it was a terrorist attack. And I think that President Donald Trump should have made a statement earlier addressing the fact, and making sure all Americans feel safe in the country. That’s the number one issue right now!

Maria Menounos asked the third question of Miss North Dakota, Cara Mund. The question was about the U.S. pulling out of the Paris Agreement on “man made climate change” and whether it was good or bad. Miss Mund said it was bad because she thinks climate change exists and the U.S. needs to be at the negotiating table.

Menounos: 195 countries signed the Paris Agreement, in which each country sets non-binding goals to reduce man made climate change. The U.S. is withdrawing from the agreement citing negligible environmental effects and negative economic impact. Good decision, bad decision? Which is it, and why?

Miss North Dakota: I do believe it’s a bad decision, once we reject that we take ourselves out of the negotiation table. And that’s something we really need to keep in mind. There is evidence that climate change is existing so whether you believe it or not, we need to be at that table and I think it’s just a bad decision on behalf of the United States.

And, the last political question was delivered by Tara Lipinski for Miss New Jersey, Kaitlyn Schoeffel. Noting that over half of Americans want Confederate statues left in place, she asked if Miss Schoeffel thought they should be removed. Schoeffel said, yes, the statues should be removed, but placed in museums because we are, in fact, defined by our history.

Lipinski: A recent poll found slightly over half of Americans favored leaving confederate statues in place while others want them removed. Keep them or get rid of them? What’s your vote and why?

Miss New Jersey: I don’t think the answer is to get rid of these statues. I think the answer is to relocate them into museums. Because we are truly defined by our country’s history, and I don’t think it’s something we need to forget. We need to always remember it and honor our history of America because it truly makes us who we are as Americans. But they should be moved to museums. Thank you.

Aside from declaring President Trump innocent until proven guilty, all the contestants toed the liberal, politically correct line. In the end, global warming alarmist Miss North Dakota was crowned the new Miss America. 

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Michael Moore DEMANDS Mar-A-Lago Be Used As A Hurricane Shelter — But It’s Under Evacuation

Filmmaker and, now, star of his own one-man show on Broadway that is inspiring tens of people to become part of the anti-Trump resistance, took minutes out of his busy schedule Saturday night to suggest that Donald Trump open his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, as a hurricane shelter for those escaping Irma’s wrath.

There’s only one problem: Palm Beach, Florida is currently being lashed by 130 mile per hour winds and torrential rain as Irma’s eye makes landfall on mainland Florida. Although Irma moved to the west late Friday, South Beach, Miami, and Palm Beach are all being pounded by what appears to be a category 4 storm — and that includes Donald Trump’s Palm Beach golf club.

Mar-a-Lago is in the mandatory evacuation zone, so please don’t listen to Michael Moore; take a look at a map of Florida and head north.

Now, if you’re looking for a cushy place to crash during the hurricane, Michael Moore does own nine properties, none of which happen to be in a hurricane evacuation zone (most are in either Michigan or New York City). Since he’s clearly not using all nine of them, perhaps he could open up one or two of his extraneous properties to hurricane refugees.

via Daily Wire

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GOP Rep Jordan: Trump Did Not Make a ‘Good Deal’ on Debt Ceiling

GOP Rep Jordan: Trump Did Not Make a ‘Good Deal’ on Debt Ceiling

10 Sep, 2017
10 Sep, 2017

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” the House Freedom Caucus’ Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said he did not think President Donald Trump’s debt ceiling deal with Democratic was not a “good deal for the American taxpayer.”

Jordan said, “No I don’t think this was a good deal for the American taxpayer. We didn’t do anything to address the underlying 20 trillion debt problem.”

He continued, “I don’t think it’s good for the American taxpayer. I don’t think it’s good for the American people.”He added, “When you

He added, “When you just raise the debt ceiling and don’t anything to address the underlying problem — I mean this is like your kid in college who has your credit card and he spending more than he takes in and he’s already piled up a lot of debt and he gets to say for the next three months I’ve got unlimited borrowing authority — I think if that was your son or my son we would have a problem with that.”‘

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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Breitbart TV, Donald Trump, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)


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Parasitic McCain Exploits Hurricane Victims to Push Climate Change Agenda

On his glorious return to Sunday morning television, Senator John McCain chose to use the occasion to stick it to President Trump by adopting the Democrat party orthodoxy on climate change.

This while millions of Americans are on the brink of losing everything that they have – and possibly their lives – as monster Hurricane Irma roars up the west coast of Florida.

I must admit, it’s a new low for even a morally bereft, reprobate war criminal and traitor like McCain.

Via The Hill “McCain: ‘We have to understand that the climate may be changing’”:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Sunday said it’s important to understand the climate may be changing.

“There is things happening with the climate in the world that is unprecedented,” McCain said on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked a question regarding why Republicans act as if climate change is not real.

McCain stressed the importance of nuclear power.

“It’s the cleanest, cheapest, in many ways, source of power,” he said.
“We have to understand that the climate may be changing and we can take commonsense measures which will not harm the American people.”

McCain’s comments come as Hurricane Irma on Sunday begins to hit Florida. The Category 4 hurricane is bringing 130 mph winds and is expected to move up Florida’s west coast.

The day that those who will soon join the ranks of victims are on the edge of being left homeless and broke, it is a despicable time for scoring cheap political points because of a hard on for Trump.

At this very minute, this humble author is among the people in one of those Florida shelters where I sit along with terrified children, weeping women and confused and crying pets as the worst day of our lives awaits.

Most of us may literally have nothing but the clothes on our backs come daylight tomorrow, not that a creepy cancer ridden ghoul like McCain gives a rats ass about them.

It’s all parasitic politics and all the time and the only ones worse are his media enablers who will descend en masses after the danger has passed to feed off the pain of the survivors like the vile buzzards that they are.

This will be the golden opportunity for the climate Nazis who will add the additional insult to the storm’s victims to reboot Obama’s globalist policies that are about to be resurrected.

My personal dislike for this charlatan is well known but today I really hope that the glioblastoma that is eating McCain’s brain works as slowly and painfully as possible before the rotten old prick becomes worm food.


via Downtrend.com

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