Australian PM: ‘Country with the Biggest Lever’ to Pull on North Korea Is China

Australian PM: ‘Country with the Biggest Lever’ to Pull on North Korea Is China

6 Sep, 2017
6 Sep, 2017

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told reporters Wednesday that in a phone call with President Trump he emphasized the role China must play in containing North Korea’s nuclear threat and asserted that China is “the country with the biggest lever” to pull on sanctions.

Describing the 30-minute call as a “very warm discussion,” Turnbull declined to give Australian media specifics to which the two world leaders agreed. “Naturally we focused on the threat posed by North Korea. We are absolutely of the one mind in condemning this reckless conduct,” he said.

Turnbull added that China’s role in North Korea’s increasing belligerence towards America and South Korea is pivotal to solving the crisis.

“China does have the greatest leverage by far and we will both continue to encourage China to bring more economic pressure to bear on North Korea to bring this regime to its senses,” Turnbull said. “A conflict would be catastrophic, everyone understands that, and the best avenue to achieve that, that we can see, is continued enforcement of strong economic sanctions, and, of course, the country with the biggest lever in that regard is China.”

Turnbull confirmed he and Trump agreed on “the importance of the full enforcement of the current sanctions regime and the importance of additional sanctions which, of course, are under consideration at the moment, being imposed in the future.”

Australia’s reported that Trump “hired” Turnbull as an intermediary to help convince the Chinese communist government to agree to another round of international sanctions on North Korea. “The US President yesterday sought advice from the Prime Minister about how Australia connects with China, given its longstanding relationship with its biggest trading partner,” reported.

The outlet added that Turnbull also expressed concern for the growing Islamic State (ISIS) threat in the region, particularly the attempt to establish an ISIS caliphate in the Philippines, a predominantly Catholic country.

The White House readout of Trump’s conversation with Turnbull does not mention China, instead emphasizing that the two leaders “condemned North Korea’s belligerent actions and confirmed that their two countries will intensify joint efforts to denuclearize North Korea.”

In addition to its proximity to North Korea and the Asian mainland, Australia has a vested interest in containing Chinese influence in the region, as Beijing has claimed a majority of the waters of the South China Sea – a $3 trillion trade route – as its own. China has protested Australia’s presence in those waters despite an international legal ruling finding that China’s claims to the sea are largely invalid, particularly those to the Spratly and Paracel Islands, which belong to Vietnam and the Philippines. China has created artificial islands in both of those chains out of smaller reefs and equipped them with heavy military assets.

In 2015, Australia protested China’s presence in the region, prompting a warning that the Chinese military would not hesitate to attack. “Don’t test China’s patience by flying close to China’s islands,” an editorial in Chinese state media read. “Everyone has always been careful, but it would be a shame if one day a plane fell from the sky and it happened to be Australian.”

Australia’s 2016 defense plan featured significant spending increases on its naval fleet, in part a consequence of China’s colonization of the region.

Addressing the new Trump administration in January, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop issued remarks urging America to maintain its prominent role in the Asia-Pacific region. “We see the United States as the most important power to ensure peace, prosperity, and stability in our region,” she said, adding that Australia was “prepared to defend — and, if necessary — fight for the values we share.”

On North Korea specifically, China has repeatedly dismissed the claim that it has any influence over the communist Kim regime, despite trade with China accounting for almost 90 percent of the North Korean economy. “In history, China used to have a profound influence on the Korean Peninsula, but the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has never been subordinate to the People’s Republic of China,” a column in the state-run Global Times newspaper reads Wednesday.

“North Korea’s development of nuclear capabilities is the result of the distorted geopolitics in Northeast Asia, and North Korea itself and the US are to take the most blame,” the article continues. “Some Chinese people overestimate China’s strength and have an inaccurate understanding of international relations, contending that China’s diplomacy on North Korea has failed.”

China participated in the latest round of U.N. sanctions against North Korea in August.

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NGO Accuses China of ‘Most Severe’ Human Rights Crackdown Since Tiananmen Square

China’s current crackdown on human rights and civil liberties is the “most severe” since the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the Human Rights Watch agency has claimed.

“China’s crackdown on human rights activists is the most severe since the Tiananmen Square democracy movement 25 years ago,” said Kenneth Roth, director of the agency Human Rights Watch agency on Tuesday. In the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the Chinese government slaughtered hundreds of peaceful opposition protesters while attempting to block the military’s advance towards Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

“What’s less appreciated is the lengths to which China goes to prevent criticism of that record of oppression by people outside China, particularly those at the United Nations,” Roth continued. “The stakes are not simply human rights for the one-sixth of the world’s population who live in China, but also the survival and effectiveness of the U.N. human rights system for everyone around the globe.”

Roth added that the findings should serve as a “wake-up call” for the international community.

The report highlighted many of China’s most prominent human rights abuses, including the prevention of opposition activists leaving the country to attend U.N summits, as well as the failure to allow human rights officials to visit the country.

It also details China’s alignment with other dictatorships at the United Nations Human Rights Council, including Iran, Cuba, Syria, and Venezuela, where the countries have “worked together to weaken the universality of human rights standards and resist the Council’s ability to adopt country-specific approaches.”

The report also alleged that China has routinely withheld information relating to their use of torture, treatment of the disabled, and children’s rights, and has tried to prevent any evidence of such practices from appearing online.

Meanwhile, Chinese foreign affairs spokesperson Geng Shuang, dismissed the report as “groundless,” contending that China continues to play an “active role” in the United Nations human rights efforts.

“We urge the relevant organization to remove their tinted lenses and objectively and justly view China’s human rights development,” he said.

In recent years, the Chinese Communist Party has also enforced a crackdown on freedom of expression, with criticism of the government remaining strictly illegal, as part of former leader Hu Jintao’s vision of the “promotion of a harmonious society.”

Censorship of both the press and social media is also rampant, although many people in China are finding ways around the censorship by dodging what is known as the ‘Great Firewall,’ which selectively blocks content chosen by the government. Blocked sites include Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as the websites of most western news organizations.

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Report: U.S. Seeks U.N. Oil Embargo Against North Korea

The AFP news agency reported on Wednesday afternoon that a draft U.N. resolution prepared by the United States would impose an oil embargo against North Korea.

Reuters adds that the draft resolution also bans North Korean textile exports, prevents North Korean laborers (who are virtually slaves rented out by their government) from working abroad, freezes the assets of dictator Kim Jong-un, his political party, and four of his top officials, and ban Kim from traveling outside his country.

“U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has said she wants the 15-member council to vote Monday on the draft resolution to impose new sanctions over North Korea’s sixth and largest nuclear test. However, Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia has said a Monday vote may be ‘a little premature,’” Reuters reports.

If the vote succeeds, it would represent the ninth, and by far the strongest, round of international sanctions against North Korea over its nuclear missile program. The current sanctions regime caps North Korean labor, which is a major source of revenue for the Kim regime, but does not ban it entirely. Banning textile exports would cost the Communist nation about $750 million annually.

Support for the resolution from China and Russia, both of which supply a great deal of oil to North Korea, is uncertain. China is also the primary customer for North Korean textile exports.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said earlier on Wednesday that he opposes cutting off North Korea’s oil supply, despite an appeal for support from South Korean President Moon Jae-in. Putin argued that further sanctions would be ineffective in deterring North Korea’s behavior, would impose an unacceptable humanitarian cost to North Korea’s impoverished citizens, and might destabilize the North Korean government.

“We should not act out of emotions and push North Korea into a dead end. We must act with calm and avoid steps that could raise tensions,” Putin said after meeting with Moon, according to South Korean media reports quoted by the New York Times.

As for China, the NYT quotes speculation that Beijing might have grown sufficiently annoyed with Kim Jong-un to support tougher sanctions, but shutting down China’s “Friendship Pipeline” to North Korea would be an act of tremendous symbolic importance, as well as potentially crashing the rickety North Korean economy and unleashing a flood of refugees into China, which is one of China’s greatest fears.

China and Russia are currently engaged in a bizarre struggle for the affections of North Korea, so if Putin is clearly signaling that Russia will not cooperate with oil and trade embargoes, China might be unwilling to surrender its influence and market share in North Korea to ambitious Moscow.

As the Times analysis notes, North Korea’s oil stockpiles are largely earmarked for military use, guaranteeing that hardship from an embargo would hit the civilian populace first, while the military retained enough fuel to fight for a month or more. In another unique North Korean twist, civilian vehicles are commonly designed to run on charcoal, so a fuel embargo might lead to massive deforestation and accompanying environmental horrors, from flooding to famine.

Furthermore, the China-North Korea “Friendship Pipeline” is constructed in such a way that shutting it down for more than a few hours could permanently damage it.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe indicated on Wednesday that he will try to convince Russia to cooperate with tougher sanctions on North Korea, including an oil embargo, when he attends an economic forum with Russia and South Korea in Vladivostok.

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Germany: Churches Sheltering Hundreds of Bogus Asylum Seekers

Germany: Churches Sheltering Hundreds of Bogus Asylum Seekers

7 Sep, 2017
7 Sep, 2017

German churches are sheltering hundreds of migrants — including many supposed converts — whose asylum claims have been rejected as illegitimate by the authorities.

Asyl in der Kirche, a network of German parishes providing migrants with safe houses, told The Washington Post that there are 351 so-called “church asylum locations” in Germany, hosting at least 551 people.

Many are so-called “Dublin cases” — migrants whose asylum applications have been rejected because they have already been registered in another EU country under the bloc’s Dublin III regulations.

Germany is authorised to deport such people, but do not interfere with migrants living on church grounds — although they are legally entitled to do so.

“The churches said: ‘Sometimes from a humanitarian or a Christian point of view, the law is not correct’,” said Martina Domke, head of migration at the Cologne office of Diakonie, the German Protestant church’s social-welfare organisation.

One Lutheran church the Post visited had 12 migrants in the basement; one of them had been there for around six months.

Many of these migrants “convert” to Christianity en masse — a phenomenon which has also been observed in Austria and even Lebanon.

“This church went from just a few hundred members to more than 1,300 Iranians and Afghans,” boasted one German pastor. “All converts.”

Conversion boosts the migrants’ chances of being able to remain in Europe even after their initial claims are rejected, since apostates — believers who leave their faith — are put to death in countries where Islamic law holds sway.

Whilst the churchmen interviewed by The Washington Post protested the authenticity of their new recruits, law enforcement has complained conversion is often simply a tactic to avoid deportation.

“If the deportation of the offender has failed because he has changed his faith, then one has to put two and two together,” argued Ulf Küche, a senior police officer and vice-chairman of the Federal German Criminal Police Office.

It is possible for Muslims to outwardly deny Islam whilst privately continuing to hold true to it under the doctrine of taqiyya — a form of religiously sanctioned deception or dissimulation which EU counter-terror chief Gilles de Kerchove recently warned was being used by extremists “to disguise their convictions”.

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Financial Times: Conservative Hungary Beats Growth Forecasts

Financial Times: Conservative Hungary Beats Growth Forecasts

6 Sep, 2017
6 Sep, 2017

The Financial Times reports: Another positive economic surprise out of central Europe.

Hot on the heels of exceptional growth figures in Poland and Czechia, Hungary’s latest figures have also beaten forecasts, with the country managing to maintain its strong growth rate into the second quarter.

The Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s final estimates of second quarter growth showed that, on a seasonally-adjusted basis, the economy expanded by 3.5 per cent year on year. Preliminary figures released last month had estimated growth of 3.2 per cent.

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Democrats left in a DACA Pickle by Deceitful ‘DACA Daddy’ Barack Obama

The mainstream media wants readers to buy into the lie that Barack Hussein Obama stepped out of the shadows for the first time since the 2016 presidential race yesterday to address the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), when, in reality,  he merely spoke out from behind his digital green curtain on Facebook.

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Hungary: EU Forcing Countries to Take Migrants is ‘Political Rape’

Hungary: EU Forcing Countries to Take Migrants is ‘Political Rape’


7 Sep, 2017
7 Sep, 2017

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has vowed “the real battle is only just beginning”, as the Court of Justice of the European Union demands that Budapest allow Brussels to settle migrants in Central Europe.

Szijjártó made his comments in response to the EU court throwing out a joint challenge by Hungary and Slovakia to a European Commission scheme to forcibly redistribute some 120,000 migrants based in the EU border countries.

The so-called migrant quotas were opposed by Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Romania, and later repudiated by Poland — but rammed through via the controversial Qualified Majority Voting system.

“The decision was not a legal or professional one but a political one,” Szijjártó railed, declaring that EU politics had “raped European law and European values”.

“The European Commission supports one thing: illegal immigration, but not border protection and defence,” Szijjártó continued, in a blistering attack against the EU’s unelected quasi-government, which acts as both executive and as sole initiator of EU-wide legislation.

He said the EU court’s ruling “asserts the power of the European Commission over EU member-states. This is unacceptable, and we shall do everything possible to protect the country.

“The real battle is only just beginning, and Hungary will be making use of all opportunities for legal redress to ensure that nobody can be relocated to Hungary against the wishes of the Hungarian people.”

Hungary will be looking to the rest of the Visegrád — a conservative-leaning bloc comprised of Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland — for support in its ongoing struggle with Brussels.

Prime Minister of Poland Beata Szydło has said she “expected” the ruling, but insisted it will “not change the position of the Polish government in terms of migration policy”, according to a report by the Frankfurter Rundschau — which believes Hungary and Poland may simply ignore the EU court.

This would set the stage for a sharp escalation in hostilities between the EU and its recalcitrant Central European members, with Brussels attempting to inflict large fines or other punishments for failure to comply with its diktats.

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Italian Foreign Ministry: International Community Pushing ‘Global Compact’ for Regular Migration

Italian Foreign Ministry: International Community Pushing ‘Global Compact’ for Regular Migration

7 Sep, 2017
7 Sep, 2017

Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has acknowledged publicly that the international community “is at work to develop a Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration,” confirming the fears of those who believed such a plan was in motion.

The Ministry’s statement appeared as part of an announcement of a side event regarding immigration at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly to be held in New York on September 19. The event is titled “Refugees and Migrants: The Italian way between development cooperation and the need for security” and promises an impressive list of panelists including Minister of Foreign Affairs Angelino Alfano as well as Ministers of Foreign Affairs from Africa and the Middle East.

The event “will present some experiences of partnership among different entities from the civil society, the private sector, the government systems at the local and national level,” according to the official announcement of the meeting sent to Breitbart News.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has recently come under fire for his resistance to immigration quotas that the European Union (EU) is trying to force upon its member states. Orbán has insisted that the question of how many migrants to accept is a matter of national sovereignty and cannot be imposed from the outside. He has also highlighted the work of left-wing billionaire George Soros to drive forward migration worldwide.

Last July, the prime minister claimed that the European Union has embraced migration plans designed by George Soros to bring in a million migrants per year, which sounds remarkably similar to a “Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.”

Orbán stated that the EU and Soros wish to bring in the one million migrants annually to create an EU immigration force to undermine the national sovereignty of member states.

According to Orbán, many European leaders privately agree with Hungary’s policy on migration but are afraid to say so publicly. He also said that due to the recent surge of migration into Italy, the southern European nation may soon join Hungary and others in looking to secure their national borders.

The actual language used in the announcement of September’s meeting on migrants and refugees was lifted from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which describes the global compact on its website.

While the IOM’s description of the goals for a global compact for migration addresses the rights and dignity of migrants and promises to “combat xenophobia, racism and discrimination towards all migrants,” it says nothing about national security or the rights of receiving countries to insure that immigration takes place in a fashion that prioritizes the common good. In fact, the rights of citizens are never mentioned.

The IOM further proposes to “strengthen global governance of migration, including by bringing IOM into the UN family and through the development of a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.”

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The Trump Agenda What We Voted For

Remember the campaign?  Trump leapt in front of a parade that began in 2009 with the birth of the TEA Party Movement.  The Trump campaign embodied everything those who wanted America to recover from the Obama debacle desired.  What it proclaimed, what we were promised was an end to open borders, a repeal and replace of Obamacare, tax reform, and an end to give-away trade deals that have impoverished and debilitated us.  In other words an America First administration supported by a do-something Congress.

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Twisting Language: AP Refers to ‘Undocumented Citizens’

<p>Talk about twisting the English language into a pretzel. The Associated Press on Tuesday hyped fear about the end of DACA as it referred to “undocumented citizens” in Chicago. In a story promoting that city’s liberal mayor bashing Donald Trump, the AP wrote, “[Chicago] school officials say about a third of the school’s students are undocumented citizens.”</p>

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