Australian PM: ‘Country with the Biggest Lever’ to Pull on North Korea Is China
6 Sep, 2017
6 Sep, 2017
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told reporters Wednesday that in a phone call with President Trump he emphasized the role China must play in containing North Korea’s nuclear threat and asserted that China is “the country with the biggest lever” to pull on sanctions.
Describing the 30-minute call as a “very warm discussion,” Turnbull declined to give Australian media specifics to which the two world leaders agreed. “Naturally we focused on the threat posed by North Korea. We are absolutely of the one mind in condemning this reckless conduct,” he said.
Turnbull added that China’s role in North Korea’s increasing belligerence towards America and South Korea is pivotal to solving the crisis.
“China does have the greatest leverage by far and we will both continue to encourage China to bring more economic pressure to bear on North Korea to bring this regime to its senses,” Turnbull said. “A conflict would be catastrophic, everyone understands that, and the best avenue to achieve that, that we can see, is continued enforcement of strong economic sanctions, and, of course, the country with the biggest lever in that regard is China.”
Turnbull confirmed he and Trump agreed on “the importance of the full enforcement of the current sanctions regime and the importance of additional sanctions which, of course, are under consideration at the moment, being imposed in the future.”
Australia’s reported that Trump “hired” Turnbull as an intermediary to help convince the Chinese communist government to agree to another round of international sanctions on North Korea. “The US President yesterday sought advice from the Prime Minister about how Australia connects with China, given its longstanding relationship with its biggest trading partner,” reported.
The outlet added that Turnbull also expressed concern for the growing Islamic State (ISIS) threat in the region, particularly the attempt to establish an ISIS caliphate in the Philippines, a predominantly Catholic country.
via Breitbart News
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