Italian Foreign Ministry: International Community Pushing ‘Global Compact’ for Regular Migration

Italian Foreign Ministry: International Community Pushing ‘Global Compact’ for Regular Migration

7 Sep, 2017
7 Sep, 2017

Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has acknowledged publicly that the international community “is at work to develop a Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration,” confirming the fears of those who believed such a plan was in motion.

The Ministry’s statement appeared as part of an announcement of a side event regarding immigration at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly to be held in New York on September 19. The event is titled “Refugees and Migrants: The Italian way between development cooperation and the need for security” and promises an impressive list of panelists including Minister of Foreign Affairs Angelino Alfano as well as Ministers of Foreign Affairs from Africa and the Middle East.

The event “will present some experiences of partnership among different entities from the civil society, the private sector, the government systems at the local and national level,” according to the official announcement of the meeting sent to Breitbart News.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has recently come under fire for his resistance to immigration quotas that the European Union (EU) is trying to force upon its member states. Orbán has insisted that the question of how many migrants to accept is a matter of national sovereignty and cannot be imposed from the outside. He has also highlighted the work of left-wing billionaire George Soros to drive forward migration worldwide.

Last July, the prime minister claimed that the European Union has embraced migration plans designed by George Soros to bring in a million migrants per year, which sounds remarkably similar to a “Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.”

Orbán stated that the EU and Soros wish to bring in the one million migrants annually to create an EU immigration force to undermine the national sovereignty of member states.

According to Orbán, many European leaders privately agree with Hungary’s policy on migration but are afraid to say so publicly. He also said that due to the recent surge of migration into Italy, the southern European nation may soon join Hungary and others in looking to secure their national borders.

The actual language used in the announcement of September’s meeting on migrants and refugees was lifted from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which describes the global compact on its website.

While the IOM’s description of the goals for a global compact for migration addresses the rights and dignity of migrants and promises to “combat xenophobia, racism and discrimination towards all migrants,” it says nothing about national security or the rights of receiving countries to insure that immigration takes place in a fashion that prioritizes the common good. In fact, the rights of citizens are never mentioned.

The IOM further proposes to “strengthen global governance of migration, including by bringing IOM into the UN family and through the development of a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.”

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via Breitbart News

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