ABC, CBS Omit Trump Ordering Russian Compounds Closed in U.S.

<p>President Trump ratcheted up the U.S.’s feud with Russia on Thursday when he ordered multiple facilities belonging to the Federation to be shuttered. The move came after 755 American diplomats were expelled from Russia and with the election meddling investigation still looming. But despite this escalation, two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and CBS) failed to cover the story during their evening broadcasts, while NBC used the news to smear the Republican Party as possible Russian conspirators.</p>

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Army vehicle gets stuck in Houston floodwaters – then a monster truck drives up

In a thrilling video from the aftermath of the Hurricane Harvey, a U.S. Army vehicle is shown stuck in the floodwaters. According to the videographer, people flagged down a monster truck passing by that was on a mission to help victims, and the driver helped drag the vehicle onto dry land.

Houston resident Josh James took the video and explained to ABC News that he had called up his friends at the dirt racetrack Rednecks with Paychecks in Dallas to enlist the aid of five monster trucks in helping out with the rescue efforts.

James helped coordinate a rescue team of 200 boats, 300 trucks and 600 personnel.

They began taking calls for help Saturday, a day after the hurricane hit land, and have rescued many people. The volunteers come from all over Texas and beyond, and includes the “Cajun Army,” a nickname for rescue volunteers from Louisiana.

“We literally have people from all over,” James said. He’s also helping with his personal vehicle. “I have a lifted Jeep that can get to more places that people can’t,” he said. “That’s what drove me out.”

Hurricane Harvey has taken the lives of more than 30 people, and it’s estimated to be one of the costliest disasters in U.S. history, with tens of billions already in damages.

Already 180,000 homes have been affected, damaged or destroyed by the hurricane and the ensuing floods.

“It’s an amazing feeling to see how strong our community is coming together,” James said.

Continued heavy rainfall was expected to worsen flooding in southern Texas and Louisiana on August 29, the National Weather Service said.At least nine people died as a result of Tropic Storm Harvey, KHOU reported, while thousands of others evacuated flooded areas. President Trump was due to visit Texas on August 29.Video shows workers from Xtreme Off-Road Park Beach, a local business, rescuing people in Houston using a monster truck. Credit: Instagram/xtremeoffroadpark via Storyful

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Back to School: Teachers Reenact Destruction of Confederate Monument

Back to School: Teachers Reenact Destruction of Confederate Monument

31 Aug, 2017
31 Aug, 2017

Teachers in Durham, North Carolina public schools reenacted the destruction of a Confederate monument as part of their “Wear Red for Ed” advocacy program.

The teachers were recreating an incident that occurred on August 14, when protesters toppled a Confederate monument in front of the old Durham County Courthouse, reports local CBS affiliate Eight individuals were reportedly arrested in connection with that event.

Durham schools superintendent Bert L’Homme said the photo of the reenactment was taken after school hours and does not reflect the official views of Durham Public Schools.

“The Durham Public Schools Board of Education and I strongly support the free speech rights of DPS employees, as reflected in the Board’s February 2016 resolution,” L’Homme said. “The photo in question was taken August 23, after school hours, as part of the Durham Association of Educators’s weekly ‘Wear Red for Ed’ advocacy.”

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Big Government, Education, Racism, Confederate monuments, Durham Association of Educators, Durham public schools, public school teachers, public schools


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Previously Deported Rapist Arrested at Border

Previously Deported Rapist Arrested at Border

31 Aug, 2017
31 Aug, 2017

PHOENIX, Arizona — Federal agents arrested a previously deported convicted rapist trying to illegally sneak into Arizona.

U.S. Border Patrol agents working near the town of Sasabe arrested 25-year-old Raul Cordova Garcia for being illegally in the country, information provided to Breitbart Texas by U.S Customs and Border Protection revealed.

During the processing and booking phase of the arrest, it was discovered that the illegal alien a prior felony conviction and was previously deported after serving his sentence. All individuals apprehended by the Border Patrol undergo criminal history checks using a biometric system to identify illegal immigrants who may have criminal histories.

Cordova Garcia was convicted in DeKalb County, Georgia, in 2012 on the charge of statutory rape. Following his conviction, he served a 12-month prison sentence and was deported in 2013. The suspect has now been formally charged with a felony count of illegal re-entry into the United States.

The Tucson Sector, which includes Sasabe, is an area well-known for human smuggling and drug trafficking activities. Federal agents in that station recently arrested a previously deported MS-13 gang member who had a lengthy criminal history, Breitbart Texas reported. The MS-13 gang member was identified as Misael Ramirez-Benitez, a Salvadoran national was reportedly arrested shortly after he illegally crossed the border from Mexico. He crossed near the town of Lukeville, Arizona, according to information provided to Breitbart Texas by U.S. Border Patrol. 

Last week, Border Patrol agents from Tucson arrested an illegal alien who had previously been convicted of rape and other sexual related charges from a 2012 Indiana case. Authorities also learned that he had a previous conviction in Arizona for failing to register as a sex offender in 2015.

Robert Arce is a retired Phoenix Police detective with extensive experience working Mexican organized crime and street gangs. Arce has worked in the Balkans, Iraq, Haiti, and recently completed a three-year assignment in Monterrey, Mexico, working out of the Consulate for the United States Department of State, International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Program, where he was the Regional Program Manager for Northeast Mexico (Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Durango, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas.)

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Oregon Dog Owners Must Surgically ‘Debark’ Loud Dogs, Court Rules

Time for a court order to spay and neuter moonbats in Oregon. Via Oregon Live: The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that a southern Oregon couple must quiet their incessantly barking dogs by sending them to the vet to have their voices surgically squelched. The Appeals Court ruled “debarking” surgery is an appropriate solution […]

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NBC Blackout: Ignores Trump’s $1 Million Pledge to Harvey Relief

With the recovery process just beginning in some parts of Texas on Thursday, following the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, President Donald Trump pledged $1 million of his own money to aid relief efforts. Only two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and CBS) found it fitting to report Trump’s act of charity. NBC Nightly News was the only network news show to ignore it, instead, they simply mentioned that Trump planned to visit Houston on Saturday.

In addition to Trump’s pledge, Vice President Mike Pence was in Rockport, Texas to survey the damage, console the people, and personally help with the cleanup.

“President Trump today pledged $1 million of his own money to disaster relief. The White House has asked for suggestions as to where that money should go,” reported Co-Anchor Margaret Brennan in a news brief on CBS Evening News.

Brennan then touted Pence’s on the ground efforts saying: “Today, Vice President Mike Pence comforted victims in Rockport, Texas. Then he got to work, rolled up his sleeves in 90-degree heat and helped clear debris in the city.”

ABC’s fill-in Anchor Tom Llamas also hyped Trump’s pledged donation during World News Tonight. “The White House announcing today that President Trump is pledging to personally donate $1 million to Harvey relief, and he’ll return to visit the storm zone this weekend,” he announced at the start of a segment that was partly about the White House’s relief efforts.

“Vice President Pence was hands on in Texas today, helping haul away branches from a damaged home, while its emotional residents looked on,” reported Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl, who shadowed the VP Thursday. “He hugged hurricane victims and prayed with people outside a battered church. Its front wall ripped off.”

But the positive tone didn’t last long as Karl brought everything back to bitter politics and grilled Pence on the threat of a government shutdown. “We asked about the President’s threat to shutdown the government if he doesn’t get funding for his border wall. A shutdown that would almost certainly impact recovery efforts,” he stated.

Pence explained that the President was committed to the promises that he made to the voters, but “the priority right now for President Trump and this administration is these families [in Texas].”

“As for the President, he’ll be back here in Texas on Saturday, meeting with victims of the storm, something he did not do earlier this week,” jabbed Karl as he was wrapping up his report.

Instead of reporting on Trump’s personal $1 million contribution, NBC decided to spend time gushing over the rumors of a new iPhone said to be announced at an Apple press conference in September.

NBC’s bias by omission was sponsored by Wayfair, Aleve PM, Ace Hardware, Preparation H, and Sprint to name a few.

Transcripts below:

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CBS Evening News
August 31, 2017
6:42:44 PM Eastern

MARGARET BRENNAN: President Trump today pledged $1 million of his own money to disaster relief. The White House has asked for suggestions as to where that money should go. The President will be visiting Houston on Saturday. Today, Vice President Mike Pence comforted victims in Rockport, Texas. Then he got to work, rolled up his sleeves in 90-degree heat and helped clear debris in the city, where Harvey made landfall last Friday.

World News Tonight
August 31, 2017
6:42:55 PM Eastern

TOM LLAMAS: The White House announcing today that President Trump is pledging to personally donate $1 million to Harvey relief, and he’ll return to visit the storm zone this weekend. Vice President Mike Pence was there today, comforting survivors of the storm and pitching in to help. ABC’s Chief White House Correspondent, Jonathan Karl tonight, with an exclusive one-on-one with the Vice President.

[Cut to video]

JON KARL: Vice President Pence was hands on in Texas today, helping haul away branches from a damaged home, while its emotional residents looked on. He hugged hurricane victims and prayed with people outside a battered church. Its front wall ripped off.

MIKE PENCE: You’ve inspired the nation by your resilience and by your courage, and we just came here to commend you and to encourage you.

KARL: We joined the Vice President as he surveyed the damage from above in an osprey. As the Vice President promised, Texas will get everything it needs from the federal government. We asked about the President’s threat to shutdown the government if he doesn’t get funding for his border wall. A shutdown that would almost certainly impact recovery efforts. Is he going to put that threat to the side now and concentrate on rebuilding here?

PENCE: President Trump’s made it very clear that we’re gonna keep our promise to the American people. We’ve seen great progress in –

KARL: Even if that means a shutdown?

PENCE: In reducing illegal immigration along our southern border and enforcing our laws. And the President’s made it clear that we’re going to stand firm. The priority right now for President Trump and this administration is these families.

[Cuts back to live]

KARL: In other words, Tom, the Vice President is not ruling out a government shutdown. As for the President, he’ll be back here in Texas on Saturday, meeting with victims of the storm, something he did not do earlier this week. Tom

LLAMAS: All eyes on the President’s trip to the region. All right Jon, thank you.

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VIDEO=> Redneck Army Rescues National Guard in Harvey Floodwaters

You gotta love this…
Redneck Monster Truck rescues National Guard in Hurricane Harvey floodwaters.

Merica, Hell Yeah!

Hat Tip Anne

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Justice Department: Harry Reid Pressured Obama Administration To Help Bob Menendez Ally

Harry suffers from brain trauma after his bout with the rubber band exercise machine. Via Washington Examiner: The Justice Department alleged this week that Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., pushed his colleagues and the Obama administration to change federal policy in order to help a man that authorities charge lavished him with gifts. In a brief […]

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Fox News poll: Who’s the bigger threat to the U.S., white supremacists — or the media?

A tale of two parties.

The most interesting non-partisan split is whites by educational level. Those with college degrees say white supremacists are the bigger threat, 55/36. Whites without a college degree? 52/31 say it’s the media. Another interesting detail: Nonwhites, the people with the most to fear from white supremacists, are less likely to say they’re more of a threat than the media than Democrats generally are. Dems split 76/12; nonwhite voters split 62/24. If you doubt that this question is being interpreted through a partisan lens, ruminate on that.

The left-wing take on the Republican split is, of course, that right-wingers are hopelessly racist and consumed with media bias, leading to a wild distortion in prioritizing threats to America. The right-wing reply is that white supremacism is, by and large, a movement of fringe kooks with no real power over anything. They’re capable of lethal violence, as was true in Charlottesville, but mostly they prance around with mosquito torches muttering about Jews. The media, meanwhile, is ubiquitous, capable of building narratives that threaten Trump’s presidency, and overwhelmingly biased against the right. If you view elite-neoliberal conventional wisdom of the sort cherished by the press as a threat to America, and both the right and some on the left do, then obviously you worry more about them than you do whatever Richard Spencer’s farting out today on Twitter.

Although racial attitudes do, of course, inform the answer to this question. Relatedly:

Democrats are rock solid in their feelings, Republicans are more equivocal. But it stands to reason that if you think minorities are favored over whites on balance, you’re not up at night worrying about white supremacists threatening the country.

Here’s an interesting point of consensus, though. When asked who Trump thinks is the bigger threat to America, the parties align:

The Trump-friendly spin on that is that the question’s really a referendum on Trump’s relationship with the press, not his views on white supremacists. As the president makes clear every day, there’s nothing he hates more than the “fake news media.” (There’s nothing he loves more than the media either, of course, except maybe Ivanka.) Give people a choice between the media and literally anything else — famine, cancer, Rosie O’Donnell — in terms of the things Trump hates the most and they’ll say “the media.” The less Trump-friendly spin is that even his own party has come to the conclusion that, while he might find white supremacists distasteful, they palpably don’t make him angry the way the media does. And why would they? Trump seems to measure political entities mainly in terms of how pro- or anti-Trump they are. The media is stridently anti-Trump; white supremacists are pretty pro. Of course he’s going to see the former as more of a threat to America than the latter. They’re a much bigger threat to him personally!

The post Fox News poll: Who’s the bigger threat to the U.S., white supremacists — or the media? appeared first on Hot Air.

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Armed Suspects Rob Pub Full Of Off-Duty Baltimore County Police Officers Attending Party

Appears one of the suspects tripped and fell while running. Via WBALTV: Two men who police said robbed a pub in Woodlawn may not have expected it to be full of police officers. Baltimore County police have two suspects in custody who they said robbed a pub Tuesday night at gunpoint. The armed suspects walked […]

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