Rolling Stone Writer Says If You Oppose Illegal Immigration You Are A Racist

Liberals are buzzing because unconfirmed reports are that President Trump is going to end Obama’s DACA nonsense. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals was the previous president’s amnesty for 800,000 illegal aliens who were brought to this country as children by their piece of shit illegal alien parents. Under the program, illegal aliens were granted temporary relief from deportation and granted work permits. According to a writer from Rolling Stone, if you support the end of this ridiculous program, you are a racist.

Jesse Berney writes for Rolling Stone because that leftist magazine stopped being about music a long time ago. He is of course a liberal freak and is outraged over something that Trump hasn’t done, but might do.

“The only reason to be happy about Trump ending DACA is that you’re a racist. There’s literally no other reason,” wrote Berney.

Liberals are so absolute in their bullshit. Isn’t it possible that some people could be happy with ending a program that circumvents our immigration laws to reward people for breaking the law? Is it beyond the realm of possibility that a person could be glad that we are finally enforcing our existing laws? Is it that hard to imagine that some people in this country are pleased that we are asserting our sovereignty and protecting our borders? No, it’s totally racism.

Bernie wasn’t quite done:

“These kids are American. They grew up here. And we’re sending them to a strange place with nothing. It’s cruel and despicable,” wrote Berney.

Well no, they are not American and that’s the problem. There is a right way and a wrong way to immigrate to this country and these ones took the wrong way. Even Obama didn’t make these illegal aliens American citizens, because they are not and don’t have any right to that.

“They speak English, they’re educated, they pay taxes — and for the most part, they’re brown. That’s the reason Trump and his supporters want them gone. That’s why he wants to build a wall between us and them. They’re brown,” concluded Berney.

This is such a bullshit liberal argument. People are not excused from following the law because of the color of their skin. Illegal aliens don’t get deported because they are brown, it happens because they are breaking the law. The same is true for Asian illegal alienss, European illegal aliens, and illegal aliens from anywhere of any race, creed, or color. It just so happens that most of these law breakers are Hispanic.

You will notice in this liberal argument that there is no effort to even try to say any of these illegal aliens are in compliance with the law and that’s because they are not. Liberals literally believe that enforcing existing laws is an act of racism and that’s why they are idiots who should never be in charge of anything.

Also, how much do you think liberals would support illegal immigration if illegal aliens all illegally voted for Republicans? If that were the case, suddenly it would be racist to support illegal immigration.

Me? I’m happy that Trump might end DACA because a country without borders is no country at all. I’m ecstatic that for the first time in my lifetime we are finally enforcing our immigration laws. That doesn’t make me a racist, it makes me an American.

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