White Leftist Punches Black Trump Supporter Because Only White Supremacists Are Violent

While the media was fixated on the nonexistent white power rally in Boston last weekend, they missed the anti-illegal immigration rally in Laguna Beach, CA. Like Boston, plenty of “counter-protesters” showed up and caused all kinds of mayhem. In the video below we get to see one of these “non-violent” leftists sucker punching a Trump supporter. The fact that the attacker is white and the victim is black really does prove the liberal media narrative that only white supremacists are violent.


R.C. Maxwell is a Trump supporter and he happens to be black, which means that leftists definitely don’t recognize him as being black. Last weekend at a rally against illegal immigration, Maxwell crossed the street and approached the counter-protesters. He said he tried to engage them in intelligent conversation about the immigration issue, which clearly he should not have done. That’s like trying to rationalize with a pack of coyotes while wearing a raw-meat bikini.

Maxwell says the group was less than receptive to his offer of civil discourse and pepper-sprayed him. Still, he persisted. They then tried choking him, because liberals are reasonable people who know how to debate any topic. In the video, you can see white guy Richard Losey walk up and sucker-punch Maxwell, because leftists also know how to end any debate.

Richard Losey? This guy was named after what black people call a single cigarette? Wasn’t that what Eric Garner was arrested for selling? Maybe this is why Mr. Losey felt entitled to punch a black guy in the face because he had a slightly different opinion on things. Then again, it could just be because he’s an asshole. After all his last name is one “R” away from being “Loser.”

Based on this video, police were able to identify Losey and arrested him on Tuesday. He was actually trying to get the hell out of Southern California to avoid arrest. He was picked up by police while trying to buy a bus ticket to Ohio.

Okay, let’s take a look at this thing that liberals and their media don’t find in the least bit offensive. A white guy, who apparently aligns with the left, sucker-punches a black guy who committed the crime of thinking for himself. If a white Trump supporter had punched black protester of any kind, it would be the most racist thing ever and a huge national news story.

In a weird way however, the liberal media is right that white supremacists are the only ones who are violent. They just got it wrong that white supremacists are on the right.

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via Downtrend.com

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