Well That Didn’t Take Long: Race-Baiting Hypocrite Shaun King Reneges on NFL Boycott

Incorrigible attention whore and race-baiter Shaun King is a jock-sniffer and a hypocrite.

The New York Daily News columnist and former Black Lives Matter activist has worn his love for Cam Newton and Colin Kaepernick on his sleeve and is an NFL junkie to his very core.

That was what made it so bizarre when Mr. King threw a stompy-feet hissy fit and vowed to boycott the NFL after ESPN brought back Hank Williams Jr. to do the opener on Monday Night Football – that and the lack of a rush from teams to sign a certain former Super Bowl losin quarterback.

According to King at the time:

Perhaps nothing sealed the deal more for me, though, than ESPN deciding that they were going to bring back Hank Williams, Jr., to sing their popular Monday Night Football anthem before NFL broadcasts. Let’s not forget, Williams openly called Barack Obama Hitler, then a Muslim, and has gone on bigoted and homophobic rants since. Hank Williams, Jr. is basically Donald Trump with a guitar. He’s a bigot. Everybody knows it. His songs and statements have echoed bigotry for years, but now that Obama is out of office, he’s back.

It’s a spit in the face of every African-American fan, every LGBT fan, and everybody who despises bigotry and Islamophobia.

That would have seemed to have sealed the deal that this weirdo would just go and find something else to bitch about…. until it didn’t.

King’s “boycott” quickly went by the wayside on Monday morning when he decided to chime in as an armchair quarterback on how his idol Kaepernick was better than a number of the overpaid white schmucks whose putrid play cost their teams on opening weekend.

Check it OUT:

King is right that a good number of the quarterbacks totally stink and Kaepernick does have more talent and experience than a number of them but that ship has already sailed and it’s not about ability but rather one man’s personal choice to willingly become a controversial and eventually toxic figure.

After today’s tweet in which King’s hero Kaepernick praised a narcissistic racist nutcase who called the legitimately elected President of the United States a white supremacist stuck the fork in the ass of his NFL career, the author should start being a part of the solution instead of a part of the problem.

These seedy purveyors of disunity that are undermining America from within like a rapacious column of Formosan Termites are the ones who need to be ignored.

This is especially the case with a dishonest hypocrite like Mr. King who just couldn’t shut his television off and also shut his big damned mouth and serve as a POSITIVE example for once in his life.

via Downtrend.com

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