Leftist Nut Threatens To Kill GOP Congressman And His Family Over Net Neutrality

Islam is the religion of peace, liberals respect women, and leftists are peaceful resisters. These fairy tales are brought to you by the Democratic Party, which at this point is an entire political apparatus based on the notion of “Opposite Day.” A lefty from New York has threatened to kill a Republican Congressman and his entire family over net neutrality, which easily qualifies as the craziest thing a liberal has done all week. And speaking of crazy, wait till you get a load of what this kook actually said.

The Democrat & Chronicle reports:

A Syracuse man is accused of threatening to kill a congressman and his family if he didn’t support net neutrality…

Patrick D. Angelo, 28, of Syracuse was arrested and charged by criminal complaint with interstate communication of a threat and threatening a federal official…

…Angelo allegedly called the Washington, D.C., office of Congressman John Katko, R-Camillus, on Oct. 17 and left a threatening voicemail that included a death threat to Katko and his family if the congressman didn’t support net neutrality.

Okay, now check out the message this guy left for the New York Congressman:

“Listen Mr. Katko, if you support net neutrality, I will support you. But if you don’t support net neutrality, I will find you and your family and I will kill … you … all. Do you understand?” Angelo said.

So far it’s pretty bad with that death threat and all, but it gets much worser:

‘I will literally find all … of … you and your progeny and t- (sic) just wipe you from the face of the Earth. Net neutrality is more important than the defense of the United States. Net neutrality is more important than free speech. Net neutrality is more important than health care. Net neutrality is literally the basis of the new society. That even if you don’t understand, how important it is, net neutrality is literally the basis of the new … free … society. So if you don’t support it, I am willing to lay down my [life], said Angelo.

Take away the death threats, and this could sound like a Twitter rant from Alyssa Milano. I’m serious, take a gander at her recent net neutrality tweet storm.

Wow, this insaniac thinks that the government regulating an industry and stifling innovation is very important, doesn’t he? He is however a little confused about what a death threat is. When you threaten to kill others in a non-combat situation, you are not laying down your life, you’re trying to lay others down.

The only thing missing from this article is whether Patrick Angelo is a Hillary Clinton supporter or a Bernie Bro. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if he was the Bernie Sanders 2106 presidential campaign social media director. And before anyone accuses me of falsely assuming this guy is a liberal, I invite you to re-read his words and tell me this crazy mofo has a conservative bone in his body.

If convicted, Angelo faces 10 years in the slammer, where he presumably will have limited Internet access. I don’t know if that is irony, but it’s definitely funny.

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