California Sign Welcomes Felons And Illegal Aliens

It’s hard to tell if this is a joke or not, simply because it’s California. When people enter the Golden State they are now greeted by a sign welcoming illegal aliens and felons. I’m almost certain that this wasn’t the work of the California Department of Transportation, but the state has sure put out the welcome mat for scumbags from around the world so who knows?

A couple of people managed to snap pictures of the rider below the California welcome sign.

“OFFICIAL SANCTUARY STATE – Felons, Illegals, and MS13 Welcome! Democrats Need the Votes!” reads the sign.

California is a sanctuary state that refuses to turn violent illegal aliens over to federal immigration officials. The state allows illegals to drive, practice law, and get ObamaCare. In addition the state and major cities have million dollar legal funds to defend illegal aliens in deportation cases. What about the actual legal residents of California? The state thinks those people should go f*ck themselves.

California doesn’t just roll out the red carpet for illegal aliens, they accommodate regular criminals too. The state has recently decriminalized things like child prostitution and gun theft. In reaction to prison overcrowding, the liberals in charge not only dumped tens of thousands of violent convicts on the streets, but also changed things that used to be felonies into misdemeanors.

As if all of that failed to make Cali a welcoming harbor for the worst of the worst, Governor Jerry Brown uses his power to pardon murderers and illegal aliens so they won’t be deported.

The state is also a save haven for scumbags who just don’t feel like working. With the most generous social safety net in the country, the chronically lazy and even illegal aliens can mooch off of the suckers who get up in the morning and go to work. Even better, almost everywhere in California will let bums set up a hepatitis-invested tent city.

Thanks to the state’s “Motor Voter” law, everyone getting a driver’s license is automatically registered to vote. As I mention, California allows illegal aliens to drive, so yeah, they are definitely voting in the state and they sure as hell ain’t voting for Republicans.

If however, you are a law-abiding, taxpaying, hardworking Californian, the state totally screws you over with massive city and state taxes and a very low level of personal freedom. California has its priorities and it definitely isn’t taking care of the people who pay the bills.

These signs may be a prank but are definitely not a joke; they are an accurate reflection of what California stands for. Maybe the Better Business Bureau forced the state to put them up. You know, truth in advertising and whatnot?

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