JOHN KERRY Continues Shadow Diplomacy — Pictured Leaving Meeting with Iranian Officials in Paris …Update: NOT John’s 1st Secret Mtg in Paris

JOHN KERRY Continues Shadow Diplomacy — Pictured Leaving Meeting with Iranian Officials in Paris

Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State, John Kerry has been secretly meeting with Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

After the news broke last week Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee called on G-men to arrest John Kerry for his treasonous acts.

Kerry was working against the Trump administration to salvage the Iranian nuclear deal.

Earlier this week President Trump withdrew from the sham Iranian nuclear deal. President Trump knew the deal with the Iranian mullahs was not working.

Several leading officials have called on the Sessions DOJ to prosecuted John Kerry for violations against the Logan Act.

John Kerry does not seem to be fazed with the threats.

Now this…
On Saturday former Obama Secretary of State was seen dining with several Iranian regime officials.

An onlooker snapped this photo as Kerry left the restaurant.

Jason Osborne, a former Senior Advisor to President Donald Trump’s campaign, posted this tweet earlier today:

So John Kerry just left a meeting @ L’Avenue in Paris w/3 Iranians. A friend was sitting next to their table and heard JK blasting @realDonaldTrump. The Iranians had a 5 person security detail and left in diplomatic vehicles. Is he FARA registered? @seanhannity @TuckerCarlson

Iranian activist Banafsheh Zand says it’s time to indict the traitor.


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via The Gateway Pundit

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