CBS Doesn’t Like Own Mueller Poll, So Fox Has to Report It

There is little doubt that the liberal media have invested themselves deeply into Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference and collusion with the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

In fact, some members of the media have all but joined with elected Democrats and liberals across the country in viewing Mueller as some sort of savior who will prove to be the ultimate downfall of President Donald Trump, uncovering evidence that will lead to his impeachment from office and even indictments and conviction for unspecified crimes.

As such, when CBS News recently conducted a poll with regard to the Mueller investigation, the results ran so counter to the prevailing media narrative of how the public views it that CBS declined to even report the results on its network broadcasts, only posting the results on its website.

The CBS poll found only 44 percent of Americans thought the Mueller investigation was “justified,” while 53 percent said it was “politically motivated.” That is a significant change since the same question was posed in December, when 46 percent believed the investigation was justified and only 48 percent thought it was politically motivated.

Republicans, not surprisingly, believed the investigation was politically motivated by a huge margin of 88-11 percent., while Democrats claimed the probe was justified by a margin of 72-23 percent.

Interestingly, independents leaned toward the right on that question, with 54 percent viewing the investigation as politically motivated versus 42 percent who believed it was justified.

Furthermore, while 76 percent of all respondents thought Trump should cooperate with Mueller and submit to an interview if requested, that is down from the 84 percent who thought Trump should cooperate in January — a clear sign that the American people are growing impatient with the ongoing probe into the alleged misdeeds of the president’s campaign and associates.

Newsbusters made light of the fact that while CBS failed to broadcast the results of its own poll — as it undercuts the pro-Mueller narrative — Fox News picked up the slack and reported the results on its network last week.

Is Mueller’s investigation of Trump and Russia politically motivated?

“Well, a new poll from CBS finds that the majority of Americans, 53 percent, now view special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation as a politically motivated operation,” Tucker Carlson reported on his May 8 program.

“And you can see why they might conclude that,” he added. “The Democratic Party seems to be agreeing with that interpretation and adding to it.

“Recent fund-raising emails from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee have lied about the investigation itself. They have claimed that if the party can collect 1 million signatures, it will somehow force President Trump to give testimony to Mueller’s investigators … because that’s how it works.”

Sean Hannity also chimed in on the poll results.

“According to a brand-new CBS News poll, more Americans now think, rightly so, Robert Mueller’s witch-hunt is, in fact, politically motivated,” Hannity said during his May 8 program. “Now, this comes as the mainstream, destroy Trump media continues to do Mueller’s bidding.

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“According to NewsBusters, get this, CBS, NBC spent a combined 30 seconds on the recent beat-down last Friday of the special counsel investigation from a federal judge,” Hannity added, referencing a judge who questioned the scope of Mueller’s authority in the increasingly wide-ranging probe.

“And meanwhile, President Trump’s poll numbers, they’re rising,” noted Hannity. “This despite a NewsBusters study showing that network news broadcasts in this country featured negative stories about the president 90 percent of the time. Wow.”

The most absurd part of the Newsbusters report is that CBS did, in fact, broadcast the results of a poll last week, though it was one from CNN which showed that first lady Melania Trump’s favorability had risen significantly over the past few months. No mention was made of CBS’ own poll which cast the Mueller investigation in a poor light.

The American people always want to see justice prevail against wrongdoing, but they hate seeing the search for “justice” perverted by blatant political motivations, which is increasingly what the Mueller investigation appears to be.

Hopefully this political witch hunt will soon draw to an acceptable conclusion.

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via Conservative Tribune

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