Report: Costco Stores Reject Gun Store’s Donation to Children’s Miracle Network

Costco stores in Citrus Heights, and Roseville, California, allegedly rejected a $500 donation for the Children’s Miracle Network because the donation came from a gun store. reports that the donation was originally rejected by a Citrus Heights Costco, redirected to a Roseville Costco, then rejected by the Roseville location as well.

The donation came from the Sacramento Black Rifle (SBR) gun store. SBR “generously gives to the Children’s Miracle Network via the wholesale retailer” and “they get a banner in the store” in return. But this year’s donation to the Citrus Heights Costco was allegedly returned and the SBR banner was removed.

SBR manager Nick Armstrong said he was initially told problems arose after a Costco employee complained. He said he was later told it was a “customer complaint.”

Armstrong said word of the Citrus Heights’ rejection spread and representatives from Roseville Costco approached to say they would gladly take the donation for Children’s Miracle Network. He shifted the donation to them only to have them return it with a letter saying, “Pursuant to Costco Wholesale’s Regional Office direction. (Enclosed) please find your company check for $500.00 made out to COSTCO WHSE 00 representing a refund of your CMN banner donation made to Roseville Costco on April 3rd, 2018.”

SBR owner Rob Adams said his store has given $500 a year to the Children’s Miracle Network through Costco for the past five years, but this year the money is suddenly unwanted.

Townhall reports that a Costco in Reno, Nevada, likewise rejected a $500 Children’s Miracle Network gift from SBR this year.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets with AWR Hawkins, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at

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Report: U.S. Knows Location of North Korea’s Secret Uranium Stash

According to a “diplomatic source” quoted by South Korean media, the United States knows where one of North Korea’s two uranium enrichment facilities is located and expects dictator Kim Jong-un to reveal the existence of both facilities to the world and invite international inspections.

According to a report by Korea Joongang Daily, the diplomatic source said Kim has “made up his mind to reveal such facilities as one of the big actions he plans to take” during his June 12 meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in Singapore.

The report suggests the two secret facilities in question are separate from the widely-known reactor at Yongbyon, and there might be more than two of them:

American nuclear weapons expert Siegfried Hecker, a professor emeritus at Stanford University, led a group of U.S. scientists to North Korea’s Yongbyon nuclear complex in November 2010. He later said that one facility contained 2,000 centrifuges producing low-enriched uranium but that the facility could be easily be converted to produce HEU bomb fuel — and that parallel facilities could exist elsewhere.

They were the last group of U.S. scientists to make such a visit, and since then, North Korea’s HEU facilities and stockpile have been opaque.

“The United States views that besides the one or two secret facilities, there can be more secret HEU facilities in North Korea and it is in the process of confirming them,” said this source.

Another official indicated the exact location of such secret uranium enrichment facilities is a closely guarded secret and not confirmed, but there is a high likelihood of one being located underground near the Panghyon Airfield in Kusong, a city in North Pyongan Province, or in some other location in the province.

Another “diplomatic source in Washington” told Korea Joongang Daily that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will not accompany President Trump to Singapore, sending a signal to North Korea that it will be rewarded with phased relief from sanctions with each step toward denuclearization it takes. The denuclearization process would likely take several years to complete, so U.S. negotiators and inspectors will have to remain on guard for the kind of delaying tactics North Korea has often used in the past.

One of the sources for the Korean report intriguingly suggested the U.S. is not revealing exactly what it wants out of North Korea, including the structure of the international inspection regime that would verify denuclearization, because it does not want Kim to steal the spotlight at the summit by making a “big proposal” right up front.

Prior to the “diplomatic thaw” at the beginning of 2018, North Korea dramatically ramped up uranium enrichment and doubled the size of the facility at Yongbyon, giving it the capacity to produce up to six nuclear bombs per year.

National Security Adviser John Bolton suggested on Sunday that North Korea’s nuclear weapons be dismantled and sent to the U.S. Department of Energy research facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Bolton said denuclearization means “getting rid of the uranium enrichment and plutonium processing capabilities, it means addressing the ballistic missile issue, a lot of things like that.”

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Twitter announces more shadow banning for those having a ‘negative impact’

Twitter announced today that it will extend the process of shadow banning people who have a “negative impact” on conversations on the social media site. Users won’t be told their tweets are being banned from searches or conversations but they will be restricted until their behavior improves. From Slate:

Twitter is announcing on Tuesday that it will begin hiding tweets from certain accounts in conversations and search results. To see them, you’ll have to scroll to the bottom of the conversation and click “Show more replies,” or go into your search settings and choose “See everything.”…

When Twitter’s software decides that a certain user is “detract[ing] from the conversation,” all of that user’s tweets will be hidden from search results and public conversations until their reputation improves. And they won’t know that they’re being muted in this way; Twitter says it’s still working on ways to notify people and help them get back into its good graces. In the meantime, their tweets will still be visible to their followers as usual and will still be able to be retweeted by others. They just won’t show up in conversational threads or search results by default…

You’ve heard of Twitter jail? Let’s call this Twitter purgatory.

All of this shadow banning will be handled by an algorithm, meaning who gets banned will depend mostly on the reactions of other people.

How will Twitter determine that a user is “detracting from the conversation”? Its software will look at a large number of signals, Harvey said, such as how often an account is the subject of user complaints and how often it’s blocked and muted versus receiving more positive interactions such as favorites and retweets. The company will not be looking at the actual content of tweets for this feature—just the types of interactions that a given account tends to generate. For instance, Harvey said, “If you send the same message to four people, and two of them blocked you, and one reported you, we could assume, without ever seeing what the content of the message was, that was generally a negative interaction.”

Well, it certainly could mean the content was terrible, but it also could mean the people who received the message were ready to block people over any sign of disagreement. I don’t mean to imply that everyone on the left is a special snowflake but I am familiar with the blocking behavior of people on the left. Over the years I’ve seen dozens if not hundreds of examples of people on the left blocking people on the right because they dared to (politely) disagree on some point. That’s not true for everyone on the left. There are some people who will engage in a conversation if you stick to the topic and don’t make things personal, but there are a lot more who block at the drop of a hat.

Shadow banning people on the basis of someone else’s reaction without looking at the content seems like a recipe for giving the most sensitive folks control of the conversation. That’s not necessarily bad if it’s used very sparing, say for people who appear to be creating multiple accounts to harass an individual. Twitter claims this will impact less than 1% of users:

[L]ess than 1% of accounts make up the majority of accounts reported for abuse, but a lot of what’s reported does not violate our rules. While still a small overall number, these accounts have a disproportionately large—and negative—impact on people’s experience on Twitter.

Inevitably, this policy is going to unfairly silence some people who really don’t deserve it. And because they won’t even know it’s happening, they won’t be able to do anything about it or protest their innocence. The worst part of this is, I can’t really imagine Twitter offering any kind of genuine transparency about how far this shadow banning goes, who is getting banned, and any mistakes it makes in applying this. A few people inside the organization will know but everyone else will just have to take their word that they’re applying this policy narrowly and fairly.

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Network Looking to Replace NBC News Boss Andy Lack After These 12 Debacles

Network Looking to Replace NBC News Boss Andy Lack After These 12 Debacles

A series of debacles has Comcast scrambling to replace NBC News and MSNBC chairman Andy Lack by year’s end, reports Fox News.

Ironically, NBC News brought back the 70-year-old Lack in 2015 (he had run the place from 1993 to 2001) to clean up the news division’s reputation after its figurehead, then-NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams, was revealed to be a serial liar. Williams was eventually suspended for six months and demoted to a primetime slot at MSNBC.

Unfortunately for Lack and NBC News, things have only gotten worse. Much worse. While CNN still holds the crown as America’s fake news-laughingstock, NBC is in the running, as it has devolved into a haven for proven liars, accused-sex abusers and enablers, rape-deniers, homophobes, victim-shamers, fake news-bombshells, and a glaringly obvious whitewash presented as an internal investigation.

Here are the 12 scandals currently rocking Lack and NBC News:

  1. Late last month, MSNBC anchor Joy Reid was caught lying about the origin of countless gay-baiting posts on an old blog of hers. After falsely claiming she had been hacked, to bolster this fabrication, both Reid and NBC News said the FBI was looking into it. After it became obvious she was lying, Reid semi-confessed to writing the homophobic posts and apologized.

We still do not know the status of the so-called FBI investigation.

Were we lied to about the FBI investigating?

Was the FBI sent on a wild goose chase based on a lie?

Thus far, Reid has faced no public consequences for her appalling behavior.

  1. Late last year, we learned NBC News paid off a woman who accused Hardball host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment. While the alleged payoff did not happen on Lack’s watch, the revelation did, and it has since been swept under the rug.
  2. NBC released a bombshell report this month about federal investigators’ wiretapping the phone of President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen. The report also claimed that conversations with Trump might have been picked up. After rocking the world and spooking the stock market, we learned that none of it was true. To compound its credibility problems, rather than retract its fake news, NBC chose to only “correct” it.
  3. Although journalist Leeann Tweeden presented photographic proof of disgraced former-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) groping her, Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski still attacked Tweeden’s credibility over the fact that she was once a Playboy model. Brzezinski faced no public consequences for her slut-shaming.
  4. Late last year, Andrea Mitchell of NBC News lied about Juanita Broaddrick’s rape allegation against former President Bill Clinton’s being “discredited.” Rape-denier Mitchell has never corrected her false reporting.
  5. According to numerous reports, NBC News was and is filled with countless staffers and executives who enabled the alleged predations of Matt Lauer.
  6. Late last year, Morning Joe co-host Brzezinski again shamed the alleged victims of sexual misconduct, this time on behalf of her disgraced pal, Mark Halperin.
  7. NBC News completely mishandled the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against NBC News icon Tom Brokaw, who released a statement personally excoriating the professionalism of one of his accusers, Linda Vester.
  8. NBC staffers claim they were pressured to sign a letter in support of Brokaw. This blew up in the network’s face after a third accuser came forward.
  9. NBC News sent Ronan Farrow and his bombshell reporting about Harvey Weinstein packing. Farrow ended up at the New Yorker and won a well-deserved Pulitzer.
  10. Last week, NBC News reported that NBC News had released an investigation by NBC News that found no evidence of wrongdoing at NBC News.

As if NBC News was not already sinking into a credibility crater, the network not only broke the long-held news tradition of hiring outside lawyers to conduct internal investigations, the report it did release was an obvious whitewash. To begin with, Fox News reported that Ann Curry, who has said publicly that she warned NBC management about Lauer, was added to the report only as a footnote. Numerous other NBC staffers who worked with Lauer were also not contacted by investigators.

  1. According to Fox News, it was Lack who hired Megyn Kelly for an outrageous $23 million a year, only to watch her tank in the ratings.

Bonus scandals elsewhere at NBC:

  1. NBC hired serial-homophobe Alec Baldwin to headline Saturday Night Live.
  2. NBC Sports hired Mike Tirico, who had previously been accused of  “stalking, groping, and making explicit comments to female colleagues,” to anchor the Winter Olympics.

Lack might be to blame for a little of this and a little of that. The real problem, however, is the culture of the establishment media as a whole. The MSM is a provincial and tribalist institution that has always placed left-wing purity over credibility, decency, and integrity. A good example of this is that the only issue NBC News appears to have handled correctly was the reprimand of MSNBC’s Hugh Hewitt for his “unrevealed ties” with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Scott Pruitt.

Hewitt is one of the few right-center hosts allowed on NBC. Meanwhile, far-leftists such as Joy Reid, Mika Brzezinski, Andrea Mitchell, and the rest are allowed to keep on keeping on.

And so, even if Lack is fired, the new boss will surely look exactly like the old boss.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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Google Staffers Resign Over Work on Pentagon AI Project

Google’s involvement in a Pentagon project that uses artificial intelligence to analyze footage taken by aerial drones has reportedly caused a dozen company employees to resign in protest.

Ethical concerns over the AI powering drone warfare, and Google’s involvement in the project clashing with its “do-gooder principles,” are among the reasons why the employees are departing, Gizmodo reports.

The resignations come as Google staffers have been circulating an internal letter, demanding that the company end its involvement with Project Maven, a Defense Department initiative to integrate AI into the US military.

Project Maven specifically seeks to tap computer vision technology to analyze countless hours of aerial drone footage for anything human eyes might have missed. The first goal of the project has been to help the Pentagon defeat the terrorist group ISIS in the hopes the AI system can enhance “military decision-making.”

However, Google’s involvement in the effort has triggered resistance within company ranks. Almost 4,000 employees signed an internal letter demanding Google pull out from the project, according to Bloomberg. For perspective, Google’s parent, Alphabet, has 85,000 employees.

On Monday, over 200 professors, scientists, and academics also signed an open letter, opposing Google’s participation in Project Maven, claiming that the technologies at stake could be easily weaponzied.

“We are then just a short step away from authorizing autonomous drones to kill automatically, without human supervision or meaningful human control,” the letter reads.

So far, Google hasn’t commented on the reported resignations. But the company previously said its participation in Project Maven has been focused on “non-offensive purposes.” The computer vision technology involved is also open-source and available to any Google Cloud customer.

Google also previously told PCMag: “The technology is used to flag images for human review and is intended to save lives and save people from having to do highly tedious work.”

Even so, Google’s arguments aren’t placating everyone. According to Gizmodo, the resigning employees were told that that company was fleshing out a new ethics policy on AI research, but that it had yet to materialize.

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Ballgame: Democrat Mark Warner endorses Gina Haspel for CIA chief

No way she doesn’t get confirmed now. In fact, I’d say this is the single most valuable endorsement she could have realistically received from Team Blue. (Caucus leaders like Schumer and 2020 prospects like Warren and Harris were never going to support her.) Warner’s from a swing state and he’s *not* up for reelection this year. It’s easy to see why someone like Joe Manchin would back Haspel, as he’s facing a deep-red electorate in less than five months. Warner doesn’t need to worry about that — yet he’s supporting her anyway.

More importantly, though, Warner’s the ranking member on the Senate Intel Committee. His verdict on Haspel is bound to carry extra weight with his party. Skittish red-state fencesitters like Claire McCaskill now have political cover from the caucus’s intelligence honcho to back Haspel. She’s a cinch to be confirmed.

To think, nine days ago WaPo was reporting that Haspel was quietly seeking to withdraw, fearing that she could never get approval.

“Gina Haspel has served our country with dedication for 33 years. In many ways, her story is representative of the thousands of people at the Agency and throughout the intelligence community who serve quietly, without recognition, and often at great personal risk, in order to keep our nation safe from those who wish to do us harm.

“Over the last year I’ve had the opportunity to work with Ms. Haspel in her role as Deputy Director, and I have always found her to be professional and forthright with the Intelligence Committee. Most importantly, I believe she is someone who can and will stand up to the President if ordered to do something illegal or immoral – like a return to torture.

“I acknowledge that this has been a difficult decision. There are valid questions that have been raised regarding the Acting Director’s record, and I have been frank with Ms. Haspel that I wish she had been more open with the American public during this process. However, in both our one-on-one meetings and in classified session before the Committee, I found Acting Director Haspel to be more forthcoming regarding her views on the interrogation program, which is why I asked her to memorialize those comments in writing. I also take to heart the strong support Ms. Haspel has among rank-and-file members of the intelligence community and from intelligence community leaders who served under President Obama.

What’d I say about Warner giving cover to fencesitters from red states? Literally as I’m writing this, news is breaking:

Warner’s not just giving cover, though, he’s getting it — from Haspel herself, who sent him a letter this morning in response to his concerns about her:

“While I won’t condemn those that made these hard calls, and I have noted the valuable intelligence collected, the program ultimately did damage to our officers and our standing in the world,” she wrote. “With the benefit of hindsight and my experience as a senior agency leader, the enhanced interrogation program is not one the C.I.A. should have undertaken. The United States must be an example to the rest of the world, and I support that.”

That’s reminiscent of what Mike Pompeo told Rand Paul at the eleventh hour before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted on his own nomination for Secretary of State. Paul swore up and down that he wouldn’t vote to confirm a hawk like Pompeo but Democrats hung together, leaving Paul as the decisive vote on the committee. If he had voted no, the committee would have formally opposed Pompeo, embarrassing the nominee and the White House *and* leaving him open to a Democratic filibuster before the Senate’s final vote on his nomination. So, under tremendous pressure from Trump, Paul flipped — on the condition that Pompeo first admit that the Iraq war as a mistake. Okay, said Pompeo (allegedly). You were right and I was wrong. Haspel’s doing the same thing for Warner here, knowing that he needed something to offer the left before they flay him for his vote.

Still, I’m surprised. I thought Pompeo would be confirmed fairly comfortably while Haspel, given her “black site” pedigree, would be a real uphill battle. The left wants to tank Trump’s nominees but they really wanted to tank Haspel. In the end he was the one who nearly got derailed in committee while Haspel looks like she’ll have relatively little trouble. If this vacancy were being filled last year or next year, it might not have gone this way since red-state Democrats like Heitkamp would have been more willing to say no. But this is a midterm year and Trump’s job approval is inching up. They were jammed.

As for Warner, who had more freedom to maneuver, I think he was probably swayed on the merits. Haspel comes highly recommended by the intel community, including by Obama’s own intelligence chieftains. He may have concluded that she really is the best person for the job. And importantly, she’s not a political appointee. The perpetual fear among anti-Trumpers when a key vacancy opens up is that he’s going to pluck some crony from out of nowhere and try to install them in the position. Do you want Gina Haspel as CIA chief or Judge Jeanine? I think that risk is low-ish with a job as important and specialized as this one but Trump’s own unpredictability may have weighed on Warner.

Plus, given Trump’s antagonism towards the “deep state” and his criticism of the intel bureaus earlier in his presidency, Warner may have thought that Haspel’s confirmation would be something of a morale-builder for the rank and file. They’re getting someone they respect; they’re being told, essentially, that their work on the EIT program won’t end their careers; and women personnel are being reassured that having the “right” gender is no longer a prerequisite to leading the agency.

Even so, the left’s going to give him a beating for a few days. He’ll take his lumps then they’ll grudgingly endorse him again in 2020, reasoning that Virginia is still purplish enough that they can’t afford to replace a respected incumbent like Warner on the ballot with an unknown left-wing newbie, especially in a presidential election year when distractions and intramural warfare must be kept to a minimum. He knows what he’s doing.

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Experts Believe They May Finally Know What Happened To Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

Experts investigating the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, which "vanished" into thin air back in 2014 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, China now say they believe the 53-year-old pilot committed suicide, taking the plane on a bizarre journey which ended with a crash in the Indian Ocean.

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Broward Elections Supervisor Illegally Destroyed Ballots In Wasserman Schultz Race, Judge Rules

By hook or crook…

Via Sun Sentinel:

The Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office violated state and federal laws by destroying ballots from a 2016 Congressional race too soon — and while the ballots were the subject of a lawsuit against the office, a judge has ruled.

Based on that ruling, Florida’s Department of State will send election experts to the Broward elections office in the upcoming election “to ensure that all laws are followed,” the governor’s office said. It could also cost the elections office more than $200,000 to pay attorney’s fees for Tim Canova, the defeated candidate who sued the office.

The decision stems from Canova’s bid to unseat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the Democratic primary, a race he lost convincingly, at about 57 percent to 43 percent, or 28,809 votes to 21,907.

Canova, who was checking for voting irregularities in the race, sought to look at the paper ballots in March 2017 and took Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes to court three months later when her office hadn’t fulfilled his request. Snipes approved the destruction of the ballots in September, signing a certification that said no court cases involving the ballots were pending.

Snipes called the action a “mistake” during testimony she gave in the case, saying the boxes were mislabeled and there was “nothing on my part that was intentional” about destroying the contested ballots.

“When I sign, I sign folders filled with information,” Snipes said in her testimony, later adding: “I trust my staff. They have the responsibility of giving me information that’s correct.”

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WATCH: Off-Duty Female Officer Shoots Alleged Would-Be Robber at Point Blank Range

A military off duty police officer, who had gone to a Mother’s Day celebration at the school where her daughter is studying in Suzano, shot a suspect in front of the unit. According to the Military Police, the 21-year-old suspect was carrying a .38 caliber revolver and had already approached other mothers awaiting the opening of the gate, as well as having searched the school’s security to see if he was armed.

Still according to the PM, the police officer saw the move and heard a woman saying it was robbery. At this point, the police officer moved away, pulled out the gun and fired three times at the suspect.

The suspect succumbed to his wounds.

It must be noted that gun laws in Brazil are very stringent. So stringent, in fact, that criminals, police, and military personnel are armed while law-abiding citizens are forced to jump through myriad hoops just to purchase a gun for home defense, much less carry one.

And what has such gun control wrought? Insight Crime reported last year that 19 of the 50 deadliest cities in Latin America are in Brazil.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets with AWR Hawkins, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at

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Why The New Starbucks Open Bathroom Policy Is A Steaming Pile Of Fail

Starbucks screws themselves and their customers.

Via Daily Caller:

For the year I worked at Starbucks, my manager made it very clear to all the partners at our location that the store’s two bathrooms were for paying customers only. (Starbucks calls its employees “partners” because they get an annual share in the company stock, among other reasons).

Like many other Starbucks stores, we set a four-digit code on the bathroom locks so they couldn’t be accessed by just anybody. Paying customers had to ask for the code. And it changed every couple of weeks, so even regular customers had to ask. But there were good reasons behind this mandatory system that has recently been changed to allow non-paying customers to use Starbucks bathrooms, too.

First, the store I worked at was the third busiest in the entire city of Boston, located next door to Mass General Hospital, two large hotels, a train station and a residential neighborhood. The street was also home to many homeless people who slept beneath store awnings and private doorways in early hours of the morning when we opened.

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