DISGUSTING NEW LOW: CNN Claims Donald Trump was Soft Porn Star

DISGUSTING NEW LOW: CNN Claims Donald Trump was Soft Porn Star

A new low for the liberal media..
CNN claims President Trump was a porn star today.

Christopher Massie is a reporter for CNN’s KFILE.


Today Massie reported that Donald Trump was a porn star… A soft-porn star.

Giuliani says people in the porn business are not credible. Trump has appeared in three softcore porn videos.

From the report:

CNN and BuzzFeed reported in 2016 that Trump appeared in Playboy films in 1994, 2000, and 2001. In the first appearance, Trump is seen photographing clothed models with a Polaroid camera and interviewing a Playmate. In the second, he opens a bottle of champagne on a Playboy-branded limousine as visiting Playmates cheer. In the third, he appears backstage at a fashion show with two Playmates along with the future first lady, then Melania Knauss, his girlfriend at the time.

Donald Trump appeared with his wife Melania in a Playboy movie.
For this CNN labels him a soft porn star.


A new low for Very Fake News CNN.


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