Madeleine Albright Calls Trump ‘Undemocratic’ But Praises MS-13

A “compliment sandwich” is where you say something nice about a person, offer some constructive criticism, and then pay another compliment. It’s a technique to soften the blow of the critique so it doesn’t seem like an insult. Bill Clinton’s former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright kind of did that with Donald Trump. First she said the President is not a fascist, which is a nice thing. Then she lowered the boom saying he is “undemocratic.” Finally she messed up the whole sandwich by heaping praise on MS-13. Democrats can’t do anything right and that includes sandwich making.

Albright did an interview with the BBC where they of course talked about Trump. Even the Brits have no interest in talking about Albright, so she was asked if the President is a fascist like all liberals say he is.

“I don’t think President Trump is a fascist,” said Albright.

See, I told you that was nice. She’ll probably get an angry memo from the Liberalism Council for countering the official platform that Trump is a fascist, but I doubt her membership card will be pulled. Then again, she did also offer this:

“Ultimately a fascist leader is somebody who uses violence to achieve what he wants, so I do not think that Trump is a fascist leader,” added Albright.

She’s definitely getting a stern talking to about this.

Maybe Albright saved a little credibility with this however:

“I do think he’s the most undemocratic president in modern American history. That troubles me,” she said of Trump.

Well duh. Obviously he’s undemocratic, he’s a Republican. She didn’t mean it like that. The left likes to accuse Trump of destroying democracy and generally being undemocratic, based on nothing. Our country is actually a Republic or a representative democracy, but not a direct democracy and Trump has done nothing to upset or destroy any of that.

Unlike most liberals, Albright actually tied to explain why she thinks Trump is undemocratic:

“I think his attitude towards freedom of speech, and the role of the media and his disregard for institutions, that worries me,” said Albright.

Has Trump actually done anything to curb or suppress the freedom of speech? A law? A proposed law? An executive order? No, he simply calls the liberal press “fake news” when they publish fake news. That’s not being undemocratic, that’s telling it like it is. Yes, telling the truth is not something associated with the Democratic Party, but again, she wasn’t talking about Trump’s undemocratic ways in those terms.

And speaking of lying…

“By the way, it’s not easy as a former diplomat to be in a foreign country and criticize one’s own president. But I am concerned,” Albright said.

Not true. Albright has been very critical of Trump and even wrote a book about how he’s a fascist. I’m not kidding, she wrote a book in which she compares Trump to Hitler and Mussolini.

Also, in reacting to Trump calling the violent street gang MS-13 “animals,” she tweeted out this:

When did Trump call MS-13 “insects”? I guess it doesn’t matter. The important point is that Albright looks at the dismembering murders and rapists of MS-13 as people who are trying to improve their lives. Talk about having a disregard for institutions. These scumbags are by and large in the country illegally and committing horrific crimes against Americans, yet Albright sees them a shining beacons of democracy, while calling President Trump undemocratic.

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