WATCH: Crazy Maxine Waters Brags That She Threatens Trump Supporters ‘All the Time’

WATCH: Crazy Maxine Waters Says She Threatens Trump Supporters ‘All the Time’

by Cassandra Fairbanks
September 10, 2018

While defending her comments urging her followers to harass members of the Trump administration, Rep. Maxine Waters mocked the controversy by saying that she threatens the president’s supporters “all the time.”

The remarks came during a speech last weekend, while she was receiving the Hero Award from the Stonewall Young Democratic Club of Los Angeles.

“I did not threaten [Trump] constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn’t do that that time,” Waters said, addressing her comments from June and prompting laughter from the crowd.

Waters also expressed dismay that her call for harassment was seen by many as a call for political violence.

“What bothered me so much was, they tried to frame that as violence. That’s not violence,” Waters said. “The poster child for violence is the president of the United States. He’s the one who threatens. Don’t forget at his rallies, when he said go ahead and beat them up, I’ll take them out on a stretcher.”

Waters explained that she doesn’t want violence, just incivility and protesting.

“I do not advocate violence. I do not believe you should hit, kick, shoot,” the kooky representative added. “We have to tell people the difference between violence and incivility and protesting.”

“I said, if you see them anywhere, if you see them in a restaurant, if you see them in a department store, even at a gasoline station, just tell them, you’re not welcome here or anywhere,” Waters explained. “Of course it frightened a lot of people.”



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via The Gateway Pundit

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