ANGRY DEM MOB Confronts McConnell in Restaurant – Man Slam Fists on Table – Then Throws McConnell’s Food Out the Door (VIDEO)

ANGRY DEM MOB Confronts McConnell in Restaurant – Man Slam Fists on Table – Then Throws McConnell’s Food Out the Door (VIDEO)

Cristina Laila
by Cristina Laila
October 20, 2018

Thank you, Maxine Waters.

Crazed leftists took Maxine Waters’ marching orders and screamed at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) while he was dining with his wife, Elaine Chao at Havana Rumba in Louisville, Kentucky.

According to TMZ, 4 men were berating Mitch McConnell and the main aggressor slammed his fists on the Senator’s table screaming, “Why don’t you get out of here?  Why don’t you leave the entire country?”

The left-wing thug also grabbed Mitch McConnell’s doggie bag of leftovers, and chucked it out the door of the restaurant.

Others were screaming, “Ditch Mitch!”

TMZ reported:

The woman who shot the video tells us, before she started recording, the main aggressor slammed his fists down on McConnell’s table, grabbed his doggie bag and threw the food out the door of the restaurant.

The woman says the main gripe seemed to be the Senator’s stance on Social Security and health care.  McConnell recently said entitlement programs are the main cause of massive debt. The woman says before she started shooting, the main aggressor was screaming that McConnell was killing people with his views.

McConnell kept his cool and afterward thanked some of his supporters, shaking their hands.

Maxine Waters recently called on Democrats to form a mob to harass Republicans wherever they go.

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Maxine Waters said.

Because of Maxine Waters’ call to violence, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Secretary Nielsen and other Republicans have been chased out of restaurants by angry Democrat mobs.

Vote red all the way down the ticket in Novemeber–we want jobs, not mobs!



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via The Gateway Pundit

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