President Trump Responds to Chief Justice Roberts: Sorry, there are Obama judges

President Trump Responds to Chief Justice Roberts: Sorry, there are Obama judges

by Kristinn Taylor
November 21, 2018

President Donald Trump responded Wednesday afternoon to criticism by Chief Justice John Roberts who chided Trump that there are no “Obama judges” after Trump complained about an Obama appointee to the federal bench blocking new administration rules blocking aliens from seeking asylum after illegally entering the country.

Trump wrote a two-part message on Twitter to Roberts:

“Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have “Obama judges,” and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country. It would be great if the 9th Circuit was indeed an “independent judiciary,” but if it is why………..are so many opposing view (on Border and Safety) cases filed there, and why are a vast number of those cases overturned. Please study the numbers, they are shocking. We need protection and security – these rulings are making our country unsafe! Very dangerous and unwise!”

Earlier Wednesday the AP reported it received a response from Roberts about Trump’s criticism of an “Obama judge.”

…”Roberts said Wednesday the U.S. doesn’t have “Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges.” He commented in a statement released by the Supreme Court after a query by The Associated Press.

“Roberts said on the day before Thanksgiving that an “independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”…

White House transcript of Trump’ remarks to the press on Tuesday as he left the White House for a long Thanksgiving weekend at the Winter White House at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.

Q    What is your reaction to the fact that your asylum policy has been put on hold?

THE PRESIDENT:  The which policy?

Q    Your asylum policy has been put on hold.

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, you go the 9th Circuit and it’s a disgrace.  And I’m going to put in a major complaint because you cannot win — if you’re us — a case in the 9th Circuit and I think it’s a disgrace.

When people file — every case gets filed in the 9th Circuit because they know — that’s not law.  That’s not what this country stands for.  Every case that gets filed in the 9th Circuit, we get beaten.  And then we end up having to go to the Supreme Court, like the travel ban, and we won.

The 9th Circuit — we’re going to have to look at that.  Because every case, no matter where it is, they file it — practically, I mean practically — for all intents and purposes — they file it in what’s called the 9th Circuit.  This was an Obama judge.  And I’ll tell you what, it’s not going to happen like this anymore.

Everybody that wants to sue the United States, they file their case in — almost — they file their case in the 9th Circuit.  And it means an automatic loss no matter what you do, no matter how good your case is.

And the 9th Circuit is really something we have to take a look at because it’s — because it’s not fair.  People should not be allowed to immediately run to this very friendly circuit and file their case.  And you people know better than anybody what’s happening.  It’s a disgrace.

In my opinion, it’s a disgrace what happens with the 9th Circuit.  We will win that case in the Supreme Court of the United States.


Complete White House video:


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